1. abandon = (1) (birini) terk etmek (= leave) (2) bir şeyden vazgeçmek (= give up)
2. abbreviate = (1) kısaltmak, özetlemek (2) (matematikte) sadeleştirmek
3. abolish = (toplumdaki tabuları) yıkmak, sona erdirmek (= do away with)
4. absorb = içine çekmek, emmek
5. abstain from = (alkol, ilaç vb) --- den sakınmak/ uzak durmak (=avoid from) !
6. abundance = bolluk, bereket
7. abundant = bol, bereketli
8. accelerate = hızlandırmak, ivme kazandırmak *** accelerator = gaz pedalı
9. accept = kabul etmek, razı olmak
10. access = erişmek, ulaşmak
11. accessible to = ulaşılabilir, erişilebilir
12. accommodate = (misafir, konuk vb) ağırlamak (= put up)
13. accompany = (1) eşlik etmek, arkadaşlık etmek (= escort) (2) beraber bulunmak ya da bir arada gözükmek (* Pain and fever accompany inflammatory diseases)
14. accomplish = başarmak (= achieve)
15. accumulate = (1) birikmek, çoğaltmak (2) biriktirmek, yığmak
16. accuracy = doğruluk, kesinlik
17. accurate = doğru, hatasız, eksiksiz bir şekilde (= precise, correct)
18. accurately = doğru, hatasız, eksiksiz bir şekilde (= precisely, correctly)
19. accuse (of) = birini bir şeyle suçlamak, itham etmek
20. achieve = başarmak, yerine getirmek
21. acknowledge as = (1) kabul etmek, --- olarak tanımak (2) (mektup, mesaj vb) aldığını gönderen kişiye bildirmek
22. acquainted with = aşina olmak, haberdar olmak (= familiar with)
23. acquire = (dil, miras, huy vb) edinmek, kazanmak (= obtain, attain) (*She acquired a huge fortune.) (* I acquired Turkish but I learned English in school.)
24. acquisition = edinim
25. activity = faaliyet, aktivite *** activist = bir fikrin aktif destekçisi (= supporter)
26. adapt = bir şeye uyarlamak, uydurmak ( = adjust)
27. addict = bağımlı, tiryaki *** drug addict = eroin bağımlısı
28. addiction to = bağımlılık, tiryakilik
29. addition = ilave, ek
30. additionally = ayrıca, bunun yanı sıra, buna ilaveten (= furthermore, moreover)
31. adequately = yeterli bir şekilde (= sufficiently)
32. adjust = (1) uyarlamak (= adapt) (2) alışmak (= get used to)
33. adjustment = düzeltme,intibak, uyma
34. administer = (1) idare etmek, yönetmek (2) (damardan ilaç vb) vermek, sağlamak
35. admire = hayran olmak
36. admit = kabullenmek, itiraf etmek
37. adopt = (1) evlat edinmek (= take up) (2) (önlem, tedbir vb) almak
(adopt measure) (3) (başkasına ait bir şeyi) benimsemek (dil, din vb)
38. adore = çok sevmek, tapmak
39. adverse = zıt, kötü
40. advocate = (1) savunmak (= defend) (2) desteklemek (= support)
41. affect = etkilemek (= influence)
42. aggravate = gittikçe kötüye gitmek, fenalaşmak (= deteriorate, worsen)
43. aggressive = saldırgan
44. aid = yardım etmek (= help)
45. alien (to) = yabancı
46. alongside = yanında, bitişiğinde (beside, next to)
47. alter = değiştirmek (= change)
48. alteration = değişiklik
49. amazing = şaşırtıcı, hayran bırakıcı (= astonishing)
50. amend = değişiklik yapmak (kanunda düzenleme yapmak anlamındaki gibi)
51. amendment = değişiklik, (kanun vb) üzerinde değişiklik yapmak (= alteration)
52. amusing = eğlenceli, zevkli
53. announce = anons etmek, ilan etmek (= give out, declare)
54. anticipate = ummak, beklemek
55. apologize = özür dilemek (apologize to someone for something)
56. appalling = korkunç (= dreadful, horrendous)
57. appointment = (1) atama, tayin (2) randevu (= rendezvous)
58. appreciate = (1) takdir etmek, değerini bilmek (2) anlamak, farkına varmak
59. approach = (1) (zaman/ mesafe bakımından birine/bir şeye) yaklaşmak (* Do not approach with fire! (2) (bankaya/yüksek bir mevkiye vb) müracaatta bulunmak, ricada bulunmak (* She approached the bank for a loan)
60. appropriately = uygun olarak (= suitably)
61. approve of = onaylamak, uygun bulmak, tasvip etmek
62. arrange = düzenlemek, ayarlamak (toplantı, randevu vb)
63. artefact = insan eliyle yapılmış (sanat)
64. ascend = yukarı çıkmak, yükselmek, tırmanmak (= go up / climb up)
65. ask for = ricada bulunmak, bir şey istemek
66. aspire = şiddetle arzu etmek, çok istemek (* I’ve always aspired to be a singer)
67. assemble = (1) bir araya getirmek, toplamak (= gather) (2) monte etmek (= put up)
68. assess = değerlendirmek (= evaluate)
69. assign = atamak, tayin etmek, görevlendirmek (= appoint)
70. assist somebody in something = birine bir konuda yardım etmek
71. associate = (zihninde insanlar/eşyalar arasında) çağrışım yapmak, çağrıştırmak (* I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.) (2) (kötü yolda olan veya kötü alışkanlıkları olan insanlarla) arkadaşlık yapmak, düşüp kalkmak (* Don’t associate with those glue-sniffers.)
72. assume = (1) elinde delil olmadan bir şeyin doğru olduğunu düşünmek veya kabul etmek, farz etmek (= conclude) (2) (sorumluluk/vebal vb) üstlenmek, üzerine almak (= take on) (* I temporarily assumed the responsibility for her)
73. assure = birine teminat vermek, emin kılmak, garanti vermek
74. astonishment = şaşırtmak, şaşırmak (= amazement, bewilderment)
75. attach = iliştirmek, eklemek (= enclose)
76. attack = saldırmak, saldırı
77. attain = elde etmek, erişmek (= gain, obtain)
78. attainment = ulaşmak, erişmek
79. attend = iştirak etmek, katılmak
80. attribute = (bir sebebe/nedene) dayandırmak (= base on/upon)
81. auditorium = dinlenme/izleme salonu, seyircilerin oturduğu bölüm
82. available = mevcut, var olan
83. avert = (1) olmasını önlemek (2) başka yöne çevirmek (trafik akışını vb)
84. avoidable = kaçınılabilir, engellenebilir
85. award = ödül
86. backward = geri kalmış, geriye doğru
87. badly in need of = bir şeye/birine çok muhtaç olmak
88. barely = (1) hemen hemen hiç, neredeyse hiç (2) güçlükle (= hardly, scarcely)
89. bargain = (1) pazarlık, anlaşma (2) pazarlık etmek (3) kelepir, ucuz eşya
90. barren = kurak, verimsiz (= infertile, arid)
91. basic = temel (= essential, fundamental)
92. bazaar = pazar, alışveriş yeri
93. behave = davranmak
94. believe = inanmak
95. belongings = birinin kişisel eşyaları (= possessions)
96. beloved = sevgili, hazret
97. bitingly satirical = aşırı alaycı, insafsızca eleştirme
98. bizarre = tuhaf, acayip (= strange, weird)
99. blanket = battaniye
100. blaze = (1) ateş, alev, yangın (2) parlamak
101. bolt = fırlayıp kaçmak, tabanları yağlamak
102. branch = dal, branş
103. break off = (nişan, nikah vb) bozmak, ayrılmak
104. breed = (1) (hayvan için) doğurmak, yavrulamak (2) hayvan yetiştirmek
105. bribery = rüşvet *** offer bribes = rüşvet teklif etmek
106. bride = gelin
107. brief = kısa, öz *** in brief = kısaca, öz olarak
108. bring up = (1) çocuk büyütmek (2) kusmak (3) ortaya (konu vb) atmak
109. broadcast = (radyo, televizyon, hava durumu için) yayın
110. Broadly speaking = Genel konuşmak gerekirse (= generally, mostly)
111. broil = ızgara yapmak, kavurmak
112. bullfight = boğa güreşi
113. bully = (1) kabadayı, zorba (2) kabadayılık yapmak, zorbalık yapmak
114. burial = gömü, gömme
115. burn = (1) yakmak (2) yanmak
116. button = düğme
117. calculator = hesap makinesi
118. call for = talep etmek, istemek (= demand)
119. calm = sakin
120. can’t take one’s eyes off = gözlerini birinden veya bir şeyden alamamak
121. cancel = iptal etmek (= call off)
122. captivating = büyüleyici (= enchanting, fascinating)
123. captive = tutsak, esir
124. captivity = tutsaklık, esaret
125. capture = yakalamak, ele geçirmek, tutsak etmek (= apprehend)
126. careless = dikkatsiz
127. carry out = (çalışma, deney, anket vb) yürütmek, icra etmek (= fulfil, conduct)
128. carve = (1) (tahta vb) oymak (2) (et vb) kesmek
129. casually = günlük, sıradan, havadan sudan
130. caution = uyarı, dikkat
131. cease = sona erdirmek, durdurmak ( cease-fire= ateşkes)
132. ceaseless = aralıksız, durmadan (= non-stop)
133. celebration = kutlama
134. celebrity = ünlü
135. census = nüfus sayımı
136. ceremony = tören
137. charge (with) = --- ile yargılamak (mahkemede) (= try)
138. circulate = dolaşmak, dolaştırmak, deveran etmek (vücuttaki kan vb)
139. circulation = (1) dolaşım (2) gazete tirajı, günlük satış oranı
140. cite = örneklemek, adından bahsetmek, değinmek (= refer to, mention)
141. citizen = vatandaş *** Citizenship = Vatandaşlık
142. clarify = açıklamak (= explain)
143. claw = pençe, hayvan pençesindeki kıvrık tırnak
144. clearance = (1) mağazayı boşaltma, malları elden çıkarma, tasfiye (2) izin, yeşil ışık
145. close = (sıfat) yakın
146. closed = kapalı
147. closure = (1) kapanış (2) iflas
148. coincide with = aynı zamana denk gelmek/tesadüf etmek (= fall on the same date)
149. collapse = (1) (bina vb için) çökmek (2) bayılmak
150. collapsible = katlanabilir (kanepe vb)
151. collar = (1) yaka (2) tasma
152. colleague = iş arkadaşı
153. collide with = çarpışmak (= crash into)
154. commence = başlamak (= start) *** commencement speech = açılış konuşması
155. comment on = yorum yapmak (= interpret)
156. commercial = ticari
157. commit = (1) (intihara vb) kalkışmak, yeltenmek (2) (suç, cürüm) işelemek (3) (kendini işine, ailesine vb) adamak (= devote)
158. commit = kalkışmak, yeltenmek *** commit suicide = intihar etmek
159. common = (1) ortak (2) sıradan, yaygın *** in common with = --- ile ortak nokta
160. commonplace = yaygın, sıradan (= ordinary, usual)
161. commuter = ev ile iş arasında mekik dokuyan/gidip gelen
162. companion = dost, arkadaş
163. company = (1) arkadaşlık, dostluk (2) şirket
164. compel = zorlamak, mecbur bırakmak (= force, oblige)
165. compensation for = (1) tazminat ödemek (2) telafi etmek
166. compete = rekabet etmek, yarışmak ***competition = müsbaka, yarış
167. compete against = başkasıyla yarışmak, rekabet etmek
168. compete with = başkasıyla aynı yerden beslenmek/geçim sağlamak (kangurular koyunların otlaklarından otlanan rakip hayvanlar olması gibi)
169. competition = (1) rekabet (2) müsabaka, yarış
170. compile = derlemek, bir araya getirmek (bilgi, delil vb)
171. complain to somebody about something = şikayet etmek
172. completely = tamamen, bütünüyle (= entirely)
173. comply (with) = --- e uymak,--- e itaat etmek (= abide by)
174. compose = oluşturmak, meydana getirmek *** be composed of = --- den oluşmak
175. compound = bir sürü binanın bulunduğu etrafı çevrili mekan
176. comprise = içermek (= include)
177. compute = hesap yapmak, bir notu bilgisayara girmek(= calculate )
178. conceal = gizlemek, saklamak (= hide)
179. conceive as = (1) --- olarak algılamak/düşünmek (2) conceive of = bir şeyi ilk kendisi akıl etmek (= senaryonun konusu vb) (3) gebe kalmak
180. conclude = sonuç çıkarmak (= assume)
181. conclusion = sonuç, netice, yargı
182. condition = durum, hal / koşul,şart
183. conditionally = şartlı olarak, belli şartlara bağlı
184. conduct = (1) (deney, anket vb) idare etmek, yürütmek (= carry out) (2) (isim hali) davranış (= behaviour)
185. conduct = (1) (deney,çalışma vb) yürütmek,icra etmek (2) davranış (= behaviour)
186. confess = itiraf etmek (= speak out)
187. confident (of) = emin
188. confine to = (1) sınırlamak, bir yere mahkum etmek (2) hapse atmak (= imprison)
189. confirm = (1) onaylamak, doğrulamak (= verify) (2) (bir iddiayı, davayı vb) güçlendirmek, pekiştirmek (= strengthen)
190. conflict = (1) çatışma, savaş (2) anlaşamama, tartışma
191. conflict with = çatışmak, çarpışmak, savaşmak
192. conform to = uymak, uyuşmak (= obey the rules)
193. confront = (1) karşılaşmak, yüz yüze gelmek (2) confront about = yüzleştirmek
194. confuse = karıştırmak, şaşırmak
195. conquer = (1) fethetmek (2) yenmek, galip gelmek
196. consent = (1) razı olmak (2) izin,rıza (= permission)
197. consent to = razı olmak
198. consequence = sonuç, netice (= result)
199. conserve = korumak, muhafaza etmek
200. considerable = büyük ölçüde, önemli miktarda, azımsanamaz X negligible(=neglicıbıl)
201. considerably = önemli ölçüde, oldukça
202. considerately = düşünceli/nazik bir şekilde
203. consideration = göz önünde bulundurma/düşünme
204. consist of = ibaret olmak, meydana gelmek
205. conspire against = birine komplo kurmak (= plot against)
206. constantly = 1-sürekli 2- aralıksız
207. constantly = sürekli
208. constitute = oluşturmak, meydana getirmek (= make up)
209. constrain = zorlamak (= restrain, force)
210. construct =inşa etmek, yapmak (= build)
211. consult = danışmak (= check with)
212. consume = tüketmek (= use up)
213. contact with = birisi ile kontak/temas kurmak, irtibata geçmek
214. contemporary = çağdaş, aynı çağda yaşayan
215. content with = --- den memnun
216. contest = yarışma, müsabaka *** beauty contest = güzellik yarışması
217. continent = kıta
218. contract = (1) sözleşme yapmak (2) küçülmek, büzülmek (= shrink) (3) hastalık kapmak
219. contradict = çelişmek
220. contradictory = çelişkili, tutarsız, kendini yalancı çıkaran (= inconsistent)
221. contribute to = katkıda bulunmak
222. controversial = tartışmalı, fikir ayrılığına sebep olan (= disputable, debatable)
223. controversy = anlaşmazlık, fikir ayrılığı
224. conventional = geleneksel, alışılagelen
225. converse = (1) karşıt, zıt (2) konuşmak
226. convert into = dönüştürmek (= change)
227. convict = mahkum, tutuklu
228. convince = ikna etmek
229. correctly = doğru bir şekilde, düzgünce (= accurately, precisely)
230. correspond to = bir şeyle uymak, uygun düşmek, tekabül etmek (= agree, match)
231. correspond with = birisi ile yazışmak
232. counterpart = karşılığı, dengi (“Sultan” kelimesinin counterpart’ı “Kral” dır)
233. couple = çift
234. course = (1) gidişat, ilerleme (zaman/mekan içinde) *** in the course of = ---nın esnasında (2) (nehir için) akış yönü (3) öğrenim, kurs
235. cramped = hijyenik olmayan
236. crash = (1) kaza, şiddetli ses, iflas (2) yere düşme , çarpma
237. crawl = emeklemek
238. create = yaratmak
239. credibly = inanılır bir şekilde (= believably)
240. criminal = ciddi bir suç/cürüm işlemiş,suçlu
241. crippled = felçli, kötürüm (= paralysed) (2) engellenmiş, gerilemiş (ekonomi vb)
242. crocodile = timsah (= alligator)
243. cross out = üstünü çizmek, silmek (= delete)
244. crumble = ufalanmak, parçalanmak (= disintegrate, fall apart)
245. cultivate = tarım yapmak, tarlayı vb sürüp ekmek
246. curator = sanat galerisi/müze/kütüphane görevlisi
247. currency = döviz
248. curve = eğim, eğmek
249. custom = gelenek, görenek *** customs = gümrük
250. customary = geleneksel (= traditional)
251. debate = tartışmak
252. debt = borç
253. deceit = kandırmak *** deceitful = hilekar, hileci
254. deceive = kandırmak, kafaya almak (= take in)
255. decipher = şifresini çözmek
256. decipher = şifresini çözmek, anlamını meydana çıkarmak
257. declare = ilan etmek, beyan etmek
258. decline = (1) azalmak, gerilemek (2) kibarca reddetmek (= turn down)
259. dedicate = kendini adamak (= devote to, commit oneself to)
260. dedicate to = kendini adamak (= devote to)
261. deduce = sonuç çıkarmak (= conclude, assume)
262. deduction = tümevarım, sonuç (= conclusion)
263. deepen = derinleştirmek, derinleşmek
264. defeat = yenmek, bozguna uğratmak (= beat)
265. defect = bozukluk, kusur, hata, sakatlık *** speech defect = konuşma özrü
266. defend = savunmak
267. define = tanımlamak
268. degeneration = yozlaşma, aslını kaybetme
269. delay = geciktirmek
270. delightful = zevkli, hoş
271. deliver = (1) siparişi teslim dağıtmak/teslim etmek (= distribute) (2) doğurmak vermek (3) deliver speech = konuşma yapmak
272. demand = (1) talep, istek (2) talep etmek, istemek ***in demand = revaçta
273. demobilize = askerden terhis etmek
274. demolish = yıkmak, parçalamak (= do away with)
275. demonstrate = (1) uygulamalı bir şekilde göstermek (= show) (2) gösteri yapmak, protesto düzenlemek
276. deny = (1) inkar etmek (2) yapmasını yasaklamak (deny somebody to do something)
277. depress = (1) üzmek (= sadden, upset) (2) bastırmak (= press down)
278. derive from = çıkarmak, gelmek
279. descend = inmek, azalmak
280. desert = çöl
281. deserve = hak etmek
282. design = plan çizmek, tasarlamak
283. design = tasarlamak, dizayn etmek
284. desire = (1) istek, arzu (2) istemek, arzu etmek (= wish)
285. desolate = mutsuz, kederli (= depressed) (2) terkedilmiş (= deserted)
286. dessert = tatlı
287. destination = hedef, varılacak yer
288. destiny = kader, kısmet
289. destroy = yıkmak, yok etmek (= damage, ruin)
290. detain = alıkoymak, göz altında tutmak (= take into custody)
291. detect = meydana çıkarmak, işin aslını ortaya çıkarmak (= discover, notice)
292. detection = teşhis etmek, belirlemek
293. deter (someone) from = caydırmak, engel olmak (= discourage)
294. deteriorate = kötüleşmek, kötüye gitmek (= aggravate, worsen)
295. determination = (1) azim, kararlılık (= ambition) (2) inat (= stubbornness, obstinacy)
296. devastate = yıkmak, tahrip etmek (= destroy)
297. develop = (1) geliş(tir)mek, genişle(t)mek, ortaya atmak (teori, fakir vb) (2) (foto) film banyo ettirmek (3) (vücudun ürettiği bir hastalığa) yakalanmak “develop cancer”
298. deviate = sapmak, yönünü değiştirmek (= diverge, stray)
299. devote = adamak
300. diagnose as = teşhis etmek
301. differentiate = ayırmak (= distinguish)
302. diminish = azalmak (= decline)
303. direct = (1) yönetmek (2) (turiste vb) yol göstermek (guide)
304. disappearance = ortadan/gözden kaybolmak (= vanish)
305. disclose = açığa çıkarmak, gün ışığına çıkarmak (= reveal, display)
306. discover = keşfetmek
307. discriminate (against) = (ırk, yaş, cinsiyet vb) ayrımcılık yapmak
308. discriminate against = ayrımcılık yapmak
309. discuss about = tartışmak (= argue)
310. disease = hastalık, maraz (= illness, ailment)
311. dismiss = kovmak (işten), kafasından çıkarmak
312. dismissal = kovma, başından savma
313. dispatch = göndermek, yollamak (= send, submit)
314. display = göstermek, sergi *** on display = sergide
315. displeased = hoşnut kalmamış, memnun olmayan (= discontented, unsatisfied)
316. dispose of = başından atmak, --- den kurtulmak (= get rid of)
317. dispute = (1) tartışmak, anlaşamamak (= disagree) (2) anlaşmazlık (= controversy)
318. disqualify = diskalifiye etmek, elemek, yetersiz görmek
319. disseminate = (bilgi, fakir vb) yaymak, dağıtmak
320. distinct = (1) farklı, ayrı, bağımsız (= different) (2) açık seçik, net (= clear)
321. distinguish = ayırmak, farkını söylemek (= differentiate)
322. distort = (1) (olayın aslını) çarpıtmak, farklı bir anlam yüklemek (= misrepresent) (2) (şeklini/biçimini vb) bozmak, tahrif etmek (= disfigure)
323. distress = (1) tehlike (2) acı, ıstırap
324. distribute = dağıtmak (= deliver, hand out)
325. divert = (trafik yönünü vb) saptırmak, başka yöne çevirmek
326. dizzy = başı dönen, kendini bayılacak gibi hisseden (= giddy)
327. docile (dosayl) = uysal, evcil
328. dominate = egemen/baskın olmak, hakim olmak, idaresi altına almak
329. donate = (para, kan vb) bağış yapmak (= contribute)
330. donation = (para, kan vb) bağış yapmak (= contribution)
331. dowry = çeyiz
332. dramatic = (1) tiyatro ile ilgili (= theatrical) (2) önemli, kayda değer (= drastic) (3) ani, çok hızlı (fiyatlarda ani ve hızlı artış gibi)
333. draw = (1) (resim vb) çizmek (2) (perde vb) çekmek, kenara almak (3) (sonuç) çıkarmak (***draw a conclusion) (4) bir maçın berabere bitmesi
334. dress code = (bir işyerinde veya okulda) kıyafet genelgesi
335. drug addict = eroin bağımlısı
336. drug dealer = eroin ticareti yapan kişi
337. dustbin = çöp kutusu (= trash can)
338. earth***** = deprem
339. edit = bir kitabı basılabilir hale getirmek, editörlük yapmak
340. edition = (kitap için) basım, baskı, yayın
341. educate = eğitmek (= train)
342. effect = etki (= influence, impact) *have an effect on = üzerinde etkisi olmak
343. elect = seçmek (= vote for)
344. eliminate = elemek, den kurtulmak (= get rid of) (2) yok etmek, yıkmak (= destroy)
345. elimination = (1) ortadan kaldırma, yok etme, bertaraf etme (2) hesaba katmama
346. embarrass = utandırma (= humiliate)
347. embrace = (1) kucaklamak (= hug, cuddle) (2) (fikir, din vb) benimsemek
348. emerge = ortaya çıkmak (= come out)
349. emphasize = vurgulamak
350. employ = (1) işe almak (2) (metot, yöntem vb) uygulamak
351. empty = (1) boşaltmak (2) boş
352. emulate = taklit etmek,(= imitate, copy)
353. enable = olanaklı kılmak
354. enclose = çevresini sarmak
355. encounter = karşılaşmak ( to face)
356. encourage = teşvik etmek
357. endure = dayanmak
358. enhance = büyülemek
359. enhancement = yükseltme, artırma, çoğaltma (= improvement, enrichment)
360. enlarge = büyütmek, genişletmek
361. enquire = soruşturmak
362. enslave = köleleştirmek, esir etmek
363. ensure = birini temin etmek/emin kılmak, birine garanti vermek
364. entertain = eğlendirmek
365. entirely = tamamen (= completely)
366. entrance = giriş
367. envy = kıskanmak, imrenmek
368. epic = destan
369. epic = destansı (şiir vb)
370. equal = eşit, adil
371. equality = eşitlik (= parity, fairness)
372. equate = eşitlemek
373. equip = donatmak
374. equip = donatmak ***equipment = donanım, teçhizat
375. erode = yıpratmak, aşınmak
376. erupt = patlamak
377. establish = kurmak, doğruluğunu kanıtlamak, kabul etttirmek
378. estimate = tahmini bir şey/rakam söylemek, tahminde bulunmak (= guess)
379. eternal = kalıcı, ebedi
380. evaluate = değerlendirmek (= assess)
381. evaluation = değerlendirme (= assessment)
382. evidently = açık ve şüphe götürmez bir şekilde, delillere dayanarak (= obviously)
383. evolve = (1) geliş(tir)mek (= develop) (2) (Biyolojide) evrim geçirmek
384. evolve = değişmek, evrim geçirmek
385. exaggerated = abartılı, mübalağalı
386. excavate = kazı yapmak
387. exceed = aşmak
388. excessive = aşırı, abartılı (sayıda, miktarda)
389. exchange = takas etmek, değiş tokuş etmek (= swap)
390. exclude = çıkarmak
391. exclusive to = herkese açık olmayan, özel (otel, tatil yeri vb)
392. exclusively = sadece, yalnızca
393. excursion = keşif gezisi
394. exhibit = sergilemek
395. exist = var olmak, mevcut hale gelmek
396. existence = var oluş, mevcut olma
397. expand = genişlemek, büyümek, nüfuz olarak artmak
398. expect = ummak, beklemek
399. expectation = umut, beklenti
400. expense = masraf
401. experience = (1) tecrübe (2) tecrübe etmek, yaşamak (3) olay, vukuat
402. expire = (yiyecek, ilaç vb için) son kullanma tarihi gelmek, miadı dolmak
403. expire = süresi dolmak
404. Expiry Date = Son Kullanma Tarihi
405. explode = patlamak
406. exploit = patlatmak, sömürmek
407. explore = keşfetmek,araştırmak
408. export = ithal etmek
409. expose = (1) açıklamak, arz etmek (= reveal) (2) (tehlikeye vb) maruz bırakmak
410. express = (1) ifade etmek, iletmek (2) çabuk, hızlı (= fast)
411. extend = (1) (tatilin, ödevin vb) süresini uzatmak (= prolong) (2) ekleme yapmak (eve birkat daha çıkmak veya balkon eklemek gibi) (= make bigger) ***extension
412. extract = elde etmek, çekip çıkarmak (üzümden sirke elde etmek gibi)
413. extraordinary = (1) fevkalade, olağanüstü (= exceptional) (2) tuhaf, alışılmadık
414. fabricate = (1) uydurmak (= make up) (2) (raf vb) monte etmek (= put up)
415. facilitate = kolaylaştırmak
416. fade = (1) solmak (2) solgun
417. failure = başarısızlık
418. faint = (1) bayılmak (= pass out) (2) solgun (ses, renk vb)
419. fairly = oldukça (= quite, rather)
420. falsify = (1) hesaplar üzerinde oynamak (2) sahtekarlık yapmak (= fake)
421. familiar (with) = aşina, tanıdık
422. famish = aç kalmak, açlıktan ölmek (= starve)
423. fare = (otobüs, uçak vb için) fiyat
424. fatal = ölümcül ***fatally injured = ağır yaralı, ölümcül yarası olan
425. favourable = olumlu, yapıcı (= positive, constructive) (2) uğurlu (= auspicious)
426. fearful for = --- için korkan/endişelenen
427. fertilize = (toprağı vb) verimli hale getirmek, verimli kılmak
428. fetch = gidip getirmek
429. fiancé = (erkek) nişanlı
430. fiancée = (kız) nişanlı
431. field trip = kır gezisi, arazi gezisi
432. fierce = (1) şiddetli, kıyasıya, çetin (rekabet vb) (2) azgın, azmış (köpek vb)
433. figure = (1) şekil, figür (2) rakam, sayı (3) figure out = anlamak (= make out)
434. filthy = (1) pis, kirli (2) dayanıksız, sağlam olmayan
435. finance = finanse etmek, paraca desteklemek
436. fine = (1) ince ince/küçük doğranmış (et, patates vb) (2) iyi, güzel (3) para cezası
437. firework = havai fişek
438. fit = (1) sağlıklı, zinde, sıhhati yerinde (= robust, healthy) (2) (bir kıyafetin şıklık bakımından değil de bedene oturması anlamında) yakışmak (3) sara nöbeti (= seizure)
439. flatmate = ev arkadaşı
440. flattery = birine yağ çekme
441. flee = kaçmak (= escape)
442. fleece = koyun postu (yünlü) *** hide = yünsüz post
443. flight = (1) uçuş (2) uçak (= airplane = aeroplane)
444. flow = (nehir vb için) akmak *** overflow = taşmak
445. fluctuate = dalgalanmak, istikrarlı gitmemek, bir artmak bir azalmak
446. fluctuate = dalgalanmak
447. focus on = odaklanmak, yoğunlaşmak (= concentrate on, centre on)
448. fold = (1) katlamak, kıvırmak, bükmek (2) bir şeyin --- katı, --- misli (twofold, tenfold = iki katı/misli, on katı/misli)
449. force = zorlamak
450. forceful = (1) güçlü, zorlu (2) etkili, ikna edici
451. forecast = önceden tahmin etmek (= predict)
452. forge = taklidini yapmak, sahtesini çıkarmak
453. forgery = sahtekarlık (= counterfeit, fake)
454. forgery = sahtekarlık, kalpazanlık
455. former = önceki (iki şeyden bahsederken ilk söylenen kişi veya şey)
456. formerly = evvelki, önceki
457. formulate = formülleştirmek, formüle dökmek
458. forthcoming = yakınlaşmakta olan, gelmekte olan ( Christmas vb.)
459. fortify = takviye etmek, sağlamlaştırmak, kuvvetlendirmek (= strengthen, enrich)
460. fracture = kırılmak, çatlamak ( kemik, kolon vb)
461. frail = zayıf, cılız (= feeble)
462. frame = çerçeve
463. freed = serbest kalmış, özgür (= at liberty, at large)
464. fulfil = (görev, sorumluluk vb) yerine getirmek, icra etmek (= carry out)
465. fundamental = esas, temel, zorunlu (= essential)
466. funeral = cenaze töreni
467. fussy = aşırı titiz (= fastidious, meticulous, diligent)
468. fuzzy = tüylü
469. gather = (1) toplamak, bir araya getirmek (2) bir araya gelmek
470. gender = cinsiyet (= ***)
471. generate = (1) (ısı, elektrik vb) üretmek (2) (tartışma vb) ortaya atmak
472. genre (= canr) = tür, çeşit, nevi (= type, sort)
473. get rid of = başından atmak, defetmek
474. giant = dev X dwarf
475. give up = vazgeçmek, bırakmak (= abandon, abort)
476. glance = göz atmak
477. gloom = karanlık ***gloomy = üzüntülü, hüzünlü
478. glorify = yüceltmek, övmek (= praise)
479. goal = amaç, gaye (= aim)
480. govern = yönetmek
481. government = hükümet
482. grab = kapmak, el koymak (= snatch)
483. gradually = yavaş yavaş, kademeli olarak
484. grant = vermek, bahşetmek (burs, bağış vb)
485. grasp = (1) (bir nesneyi) kavramak (2) (bir konuyu) kavramak, anlamak
486. graveyard = mezarlık (= cemetery)
487. groom = damat
488. grow tired of = --- den yorulmak
489. growl = köpek ve benzeri hayvanların çıkardığı hırlama sesi
490. guide = rehber, rehberlik etmek
491. harass = saldırmak, taciz etmek ******ual harassment = cinsel taciz
492. harbour = (1) liman (2) barındırmak, sağlamak
493. hardship = zorluk
494. harshly = (1) sert bir şekilde (2) kabaca
495. hasten = acele etmek
496. havoc = hasar, yıkım (= destruction)
497. hazard = tehlike
498. hazardous = tehlikeli (= perilous)
499. hectic = heyecanlı, telaşlı, hareketli (program, ofis vb)
500. hesitate = duraklamak
501. highly = oldukça, epey (= extremely)
502. hinder = (1) engel, mani (2) engel olmak, mani olmak
503. hire = (1) kiralamak (2) işe almak (= employ)
504. hitchhiker = otostopçu
505. hollow = oyuk, boşluk (ağaç kovuğu vb) *** hollow promise = boş vaat
506. hopefully = inşallah (= with any luck)
507. horrible = korkunç
508. huge = iri, büyük (= enormous, immense)
509. humiliate = aşağılamak, rezil etmek, utandırmak (= embarrass)
510. hunter = avcı
511. hurricane (hörikeyn) = kasırga
512. iceberg = buz dağı (= glacier)
513. identify = teşhis etmek, kimliğini belirlemek, sınıflandırmak
514. idle = tembel (= lazy, indolent) X (= hardworking)
515. ignore = görmezden kalmak, kale almamak (= take no notice)
516. illusion = hayal,hülya, kuruntu
517. illustrate = örneklemek
518. imagine = hayal etmek
519. imitate = taklit etmek
520. immediate = (1) derhal, acele, çabuk (2) (akraba için) en yakın
521. immobilize (immmobilayz) = hareketsiz/sabit kılmak
522. impact = çarpmak
523. impeach = suçlamak, itham etmek (= accuse)
524. implement = gerçekleştirmek (realize)
525. implicate = bulaştırmak
526. imply = ima etmek
527. impose = zorla kabul ettirmek, koymak( vergi), yük olmak
528. imprisonment = hapse atmak (= incarceration)
529. improve = geliştirmek
530. inaudible = duyulamaz, işitilemez (ses vb)
531. incapable of (inkepıbıl) = kabiliyetsiz, yeteneksiz (= unskillful)
532. incapacitate = yetersiz bırakmak, olanak tanımamak, aciz bırakmak (= debilitate)
533. incessant = aralıksız, sürekli
534. incline = eğmek, eğilimi olmak, fikrini vermek
535. include = dahil etmek, içermek (= consists of, incorporate) x exclude
536. incorporate into = dahil etmek (= include, integrate)
537. incredible = inanılmaz ( = unbelievable)
538. indicate = göstermek, belirtisi olmak
539. indifference to = kayıtsız, ilgisiz olmak
540. induce = -e neden olmak, ikna etmek
541. inevitable = kaçınılmaz (= inescapable)
542. infer = anlamak, sonucunu çıkarmak
543. influence = (1) etki (= impact, effect) (2) etkilemek
544. influential (influwenşıl) = nüfuzlu, sözü geçer, çevresi geniş (= well-connected)
545. inherit = mirasa konmak, miras olarak almak (= come into)
546. inhibit = göz dağı vermek
547. initially = başlangıçta, ilk etapta (= at first)
548. initiate (inişiyeyt)= başlatmak (= start, commence)
549. injure = incitmek
550. injustice = eşitsizlik, adaletsizlik (= inequality, unfairness)
551. innovate = yeni bir şey icat etmek, yenilik getirmek (= invent)
552. innovation = yenilik, yeni bir şey icad etmek
553. innovative = yenilikçi, icatçı
554. insatiable (inseyşıbıl) = (1) gözü doymaz, doyumsuz, aç gözlü (2) obur, pisboğaz
555. insignificant = (1) ehemmiyetsiz, önemsiz (2) anlamsız, manasız
556. insist (on) = ısrar etmek (= persist in)
557. inspect = incelemek
558. instantaneously = anlık, bir anda olan, aniden (= immediately,
559. institute = kurmak
560. instruct = talimat vermek
561. insulate (against) = yalıtmak, (soğuğu/sesi vb) kesmek (hırkanın soğuğu kesmesi gibi)
562. integrate = bütünleşmek, kaynaşmak
563. intelligence = (1) zeka, akıl (2) haber ajansı
564. intention (intenşın) = niyet
565. intentional = kasıtlı,maksatlı,bilebile (= deliberately)
566. interaction (with) = etkileşim
567. interfere = başkasının işine burnunu sokmak
568. interfere with = karışmak, müdahale etmek
569. interpretation = yorum, çeviri
570. interrogate = sorguya çekmek
571. interview = (1) röportaj, röportaj yapmak (2) mülakat, mülakat yapmak
572. intimate = (1) samimi (2) tanıdık, aşina (alışılan plaj, trafik manzaraları vb)
573. introduce = (1) tanıştırmak (2) yeni bir icadı/fikri ortaya atmak
574. invade = işgal etmek, istila etmek (= attck, occupy)
575. invaluable = paha biçilmez, çok değerli (= priceless)
576. invent = icat etmek (= make up)
577. invest (in) = para yatırımı yapmak
578. investigate = araştırmak, incelemek (= search, look into)
579. invoke = dilemek
580. involve = (1) dahil etmek (2) gerektirmek
581. involvement = dahil olma, karışma (= association, participation)
582. irregularity = (1) yolsuzluk, hile (2) düzensizlik
583. isolate = izole etmek, (iki şeyi vb) birbirinden ayırmak, tecrit etmek
584. jeopardize (ciopidayz) = tehlikeye atmak (= endanger, imperil)
585. join = katılmak, iştirak etmek
586. joint = (1) eklem, mafsal (2) ortaklaşa yapılan (= mutual)
587. justify = doğrulamak
588. kennel = köpek kulübesi
589. keyhole = anahtar deliği
590. kidnapper = adam/çocuk kaçıran (= abductor)
591. knock = (1) devirmek (2) (kapı vb) çalmak
592. knowledge = bilgi
593. label = etiketlemek
594. lamb = (1) kuzu (2) kuzu eti
595. latter = sonraki x former = önceki
596. lawyer = avukat (= solicitor)
597. leak = (1) (su, yağ vb) sızmak (2) (bilgi, gizli sırlar vb) medyaya sızmak
598. legend = efsane (= myth)
599. legislate = yasamak
600. leisure = boş vakit
601. lessen = azaltmak (= diminish)
602. levy = zorla toplama (haraç)
603. Likewise = Buna benzer şekilde, Aynen bunun gibi (= Similarly)
604. listless = yorgun, bitkin (= exhausted)
605. literacy = okur yazarlık
606. litter = çöp (= trash, garbage, rubbish)
607. loathe = nefret etmek (= abhor, hate)
608. locate = yerleştirmek
609. location = mevki, yer
610. loose = gevşek, sıkıca bağlanmamış, gevşemiş X tight
611. lovely = sevecen, sevimli
612. luggage (lagiç) = bagaj
613. magical (mecikıl) = sihirli
614. mainstream = pek çok kişi tarafından kabul gören inanış veya düşünce
615. maintain = korumak
616. make a decision = karar vermek
617. manage = (1) başarmak, üstesinden gelmek (2) yönetmek, idare etmek
618. management = yönetim idare
619. manipulate = elinde oynatmak
620. manner = davranış, tutum (= attitude)
621. manufacture = fabrikada üretmek
622. march = ilerleme, ilerleyiş, marşla yürümek
623. massacre (messekı=r) = soykırım, katliam (= genocide)
624. master = (1) efendi, sahip (2) hakim olmak, bir şeyi detaylarıyla bilmek (= govern)
625. masterpiece = şaheser, baş yapıt
626. mature (maçu=) = olgun
627. meadow = çayır, otlak, mera (= pasture)
628. meander = (1) dolambaçlı yol (2) avare avare dolaşmak
629. measure (mejı=r) = (1) ölçü, ölçmek (2) tedbir, önlem (= precaution)
630. mediate between = arabuluculuk etmek, arasını bulmak
631. meet = (1) (ihtiyaç, talep vb) karşılamak (2) tanışmak (3) (bir yolcuyu) karşılamak
632. memorial = anıt
633. memory = hafıza
634. merge = birleşmek, bir araya gelmek ( iki şirketin birleşmesi vb)
635. migrate = göçmek
636. minor = (1) az (2) önemsiz, küçük *** minority= azınlık
637. miraculously = mucize eseri
638. misbehave = terbiyesizlik yapmak, kötü davranışlar sergilemek
639. mischief = yaramazlık, haşarılık (= misbehaviour)
640. misunderstanding = yanlış anlaşılma (= misconception)
641. mix up = aklını karıştırmak,karıştırmak
642. mock at = dalga geçmek, alay etmek (= tease, make fun of)
643. modify = değiştirmek (= change)
644. mood = ruh hali, moral ***in a bad mood = morali bozuk olmak
645. mourning = yas, keder (= lamentation) ***mournful = yaslı, yas tutan
646. move = (1) hareket etmek, taşımak (2) (bir yerden bir başka yere) taşınmak
647. movement = (1) hareket (2) (edebiyatta vb) akım
648. multinational = çok uluslu
649. municipality = belediye
650. murder = (1) öldürmek, cinayet işlemek (= kill) (2) cinayet
651. mystery = gizem, sır (= enigma)
652. narrowly = kıl payı (= She narrowly escaped death yesterday.)
653. native to = yöreye has/özgü
654. neglect = ihmal etmek (= ignore)
655. nervous = gergin (sınav öncesi vb..) *** nervous attack = sinir krizi
656. neutrality (nötraliti) = tarafsızlık (= impartiality)
657. notice = (1) ilan (2) fark etmek
658. obese = şişman, obez
659. obey = uymak, itaat etmek ( kurallara vb)
660. objection = itiraz
661. obligation = zorunluluk, mecburiyet
662. obscure = (1) silik (2) anlaşılmaz hale getirmek, karışık hale getirmek (= confuse)
663. observe = gözlemlemek
664. obsolete = modası geçmiş, eskide kalmış
665. obtain = elde etmek (= gain, attain)
666. occasion = (1) özel olay, önemli gün (2) durum, hal
667. occasional = ara sıra, nadiren (= infrequent)
668. occupy = (1) (ülke/şehir vb) işgal etmek (2) bir mekanı doldurmak, yerleşmek
669. occur= meydana gelmek
670. occurrence = vukuat, olay
671. odd = (1) tuhaf (=strange, weird *(wiyırd) (2) odd numbers = tek sayılar (1,3,5 ..)
672. Oddly enough! = Ne tuhaftır ki …!
673. odour = koku ***odourless = kokusuz X (aromatic = hoş kokulu)
674. offend = (1) gücendirmek, kırmak (2) (hafif) suç işlemek
675. offer = (1) teklif, teklif etmek (2) (imkan, fırsat vb) sağlamak, sunmak
676. officially = resmen, resmi olarak
677. opportunity = fırsat *** opportunist = fırsatçı
678. opposition = karşıtlık, muhalefet,zıtlık
679. oppress = zulmetmek (= persecute)
680. ordinary = sıradan, alışılagelmiş (= commonplace, mundane, average)
681. originally = ilk başta, ilk önceleri (= initially, at first)
682. ornament = (1) süs, süs eşyası (2) süslemek
683. orphan = yetim bırakmak
684. outcrop = yeryüzüne çıkmış katman
685. outcry = feryat figan, çığlık
686. outdo = birini geride bırakmak, sollamak, ekarte etmek (= surpass)
687. outing = gezi, gezinti
688. outlet = (sadece bir çeşit ürün veya sadece bir firmanın ürününü satan) şube
689. overlap = üstüste binmek
690. overlook = (1) göz ardı etmek, görmezden gelmek (= ignore) (2) (bir evin denize bakması, bir ofisin otoparka bakması gibi) --- e bakmak
691. overtake = (arabasıyla bir başka arabayı) sollamak
692. overtake = sollamak, bastırmak
693. partially = kısmen
694. participate in = katılmak, iştirak etmek (= take part in, join, attend)
695. participation = iştirak, katılım ***participatory = katılımcı
696. particular (pıtik=ulır) = özel, önemli *** in particular = özellikle
697. particularly = özellikle
698. passenger = toplu taşıt yolcusu
699. passionately = ihtirasla, tutkuyla
700. patiently = sabırla, sabırlı bir şekilde (= uncomplainingly)
701. pavement = kaldırım (= side-walk)
702. peace and quiet = huzur ve sükunet
703. peak = doruk, zirve *** at peak = zirvede, dorukta
704. peculiar = tuhaf, acayip (= odd, weird, strange)
705. pedestrian = yaya
706. penalize = ceza vermek, cezalandırmak (= punish)
707. perceive = algılamak
708. permission = izin, müsaade
709. persevering = sebatkar, gayretli
710. persist = ısrar etmek, sürüp gitmek
711. persuade = ikna etmek
712. pessimism = kötümserlik ***pessimist = kötümser ***optimist = iyimser
713. pet = ev hayvanı
714. pioneer = öncü, yol açan, öncülük eden (= forerunner)
715. placement = yerleştirme
716. plague (pleyg) = (1) veba (2) öldürücü salgın hastalık (3) (bela vb) musallat olmak
717. plain = (1) düz, sade (2) ova, düzlük
718. plead = yalvarmak , rica etmek
719. please = (1) memnun etmek, tatmin etmek (= satisfy) (2) Lütfen!
720. pledge (plec) = ciddi bir söz vermek, ciddi bir vaat
721. poem = şiir ***poetry = şiir
722. point = (1) anlam, mana ***pointless = anlamsız (2) (zamanda/mekanda vb) nokta
723. policy = tutum, kural, prensip, ilke
724. polio = çocuk felci
725. pose = ortaya çıkarmak, poz vermek
726. possess = sahip olmak, etkilemek
727. possession = eşya, mal mülk
728. post = (1) vazife, görev, iş (2) posta
729. postpone = ertelemek (= put off)
730. practically = 1-hemen hemen 2-uygun olarak, pratik olarak
731. praise = övmek (= glorify, compliment)
732. precede = - den önce gelmek
733. predict = tahminde bulunmak
734. predictable = tahmin edilebilir, sağı solu belli
735. prejudice = ön yargı (= bias)
736. present = (1) sunmak, tanıtmak (2) mevcut, var olan (= existing)
737. preserve = korumak, muhafaza etmek
738. pressure = baskı, basınç ***under pressure = baskı altında
739. prevent = engel olmak, mani olmak
740. previously = önceden, eskiden (= formerly)
741. prior (to) = --- den önce, --- den evvel
742. prison = hapishane (= jail)
743. probability = olasılık
744. process = (bir malzemeyi) işlemek
745. progress = ilerlemek ***in progress = devam eden, ilerlemekte olan
746. promote = (1) terfi etmek, makamını yükseltmek (2) reklam yapmak
747. prompt = çabuk, ivedi, acele, vakit geçirmeden (= punctual, immediate)
748. promptly = derhal, hemen
749. proofread = bir metni inceleyip üzerindeki yanlışları düzeltmek
750. properly = adam akıllı
751. property = mal, mülk
752. proportion = oran ***in proportion to = ---e oranla
753. protection against = koruma
754. provoke = kışkırtmak, tahrik etmek
755. publish = (kitap, kaset vb) yayımlamak
756. purchase (pö=çıs) = (1) satın almak (2) satın alınan eşya
757. purchase = satın almak (= buy)
758. purpose = amaç, gaye
759. pursue = takip etmek (= follow, chase) ***in pursuit of = ---nın peşinde
760. push = itmek X pull = çekmek
761. put forth = öne sürmek, ortaya atmak (= put forward, bring up)
762. queue = sıra, kuyruk
763. race = (1) ırk (2) yarış
764. racism = ırkçılık, milliyetçilik (= nationalism)
765. raid = yasadışı işlere yapılan baskın (= seizure)
766. raise = (1) artırmak, yükseltmek, kaldırmak (su seviyesini, maaşları vb) (2) (hayvan/insan) yetiştirmek, büyütmek (3) (sorun, konu, fikir vb) ortaya atmak
767. rate = oran, hız
768. receive = almak, kabul etmek
769. reckless = = dikkatsiz, pervasız (= irresponsible, thoughtless)
770. recklessly = dikkatsizce, pervasızca (= irresponsibly, thoughtlessly)
771. recognize = (daha önce gördüğü birini veya bir şeyi gördüğünde) tanımak
772. recommendation = tavsiye, öneri
773. referee = hakem (= arbitrator)
774. refreshing = canlandırıcı, serinletici (aperatif yiyecek, temiz hava vb)
775. refugee = mülteci
776. refund = parayı iade etmek
777. regard = (1) saygı (= respect) (2) göz önünde bulundurmak
778. regional = bölgesel
779. register = (1) sicil,kütük (2) kaydetmek
780. regret = (1) pişmanlık (2) üzüntü
781. regretful = pişman, üzgün (= remorseful)
782. regrettable = üzücü, üzüntü/keder/esef verici
783. regularly = düzenli bir şekilde *** on a regular basis = düzenli bir şekilde
784. rehearse (rihörs) = prova yapmak ***rehearsal = prova
785. reject = red etmek (= turn down)
786. rejection = ret, kabul etmeme (= refusal)
787. relate = (1) rivayet etmek, anlatmak, aktarmak (2) ilişkili/alakalı olmak
788. release = serbest bırakmak,salmak (= let out)
789. relentless = (1) merhametsiz (2) amansız, hummalı, aralıksız devam eden
790. relief = rahatlama, ferahlama ***relief work = afet kurtarma ekibi
791. relocate = yerini değiştirmek, yerinden etmek (= displace)
792. reluctant (rilaktınt) = isteksiz (= unwilling)
793. remain = kalıntı
794. remark = (1) söylemek, belirtmek (2) düşünce, fikir
795. remembrance = anma, hatırlama, yad etme (= commemoration)
796. reminiscent of = andıran, hatırlatan, anımsatan (= suggestive of)
797. remote = (1) uzak, ırak (2) ıssız, ücra ***remote control = uzaktan kumanda
798. removal = (1) (leke vb şeylerin) çıkarılması, sökülmesi (2) (evin vb) taşınması
799. remove = (1) (leke vb) çıkarmak, temizlemek (2) sökmek
800. repeatedly = defalarca, tekrar tekrar (= continually, constantly)
801. repetitive = monoton, sıkıcı
802. replace (with) = (1) eski yerine koymak (2) --- ile değiştirmek
803. replica = aslına çok benzeyen kopya
804. request = rica etmek
805. require = gerektirmek (= necessitate)
806. requirement = ihtiyaç, gereksinim
807. resentful = alıngan, darılmış
808. reside = ikamet etmek, yerleşmek
809. resident = bir yerde ikamet eden, halk (apartman, mahalle sakini vb)
810. resign from = --- den istifa etmek ***resignation = istifa
811. resolve = (1) çözmek (= sort out) (2) karar vermek
812. resort = (1) son çare olarak bir şeye başvurmak (2) tatil yeri/beldesi
813. response = karşılık, cevap
814. restlessness = huzursuzluk, içinin rahat olmaması X calmness
815. result = sonuç (= outcome)
816. reveal = açığa çıkarmak, gün yüzüne çıkarmak (= disclose, display)
817. revenge = intikam, intikam almak *** take revenge on = intikam almak
818. revolve = (1) dönmek (2) döndürmek, çevirmek
819. reward = (1) ödül (2) ödüllendirmek *** rewarding = tatmin edici (iş vb)
820. ride = (at, bisiklet vb) binmek
821. rightfully = haklı olarak, haklı yere X wantonly = durduk yere, sebepsiz yere
822. rise = ortaya çıkmak, artmak, yükselmek
823. rob somebody of something = birini soymak ***robbery = soygun
824. robust (rıbast) = turp gibi, sapasağlam
825. rough (raf) = (1) kaba pürüzlü (zemin, yüzey vb) (2) nazik olmayan, sakar bir şekilde (3) (deniz/okyanus için) dalgalı, fırtınalı
826. rubble = enkaz, yığın (= wreckage)
827. sacrifice = adamak, kurban adamak
828. salute = selamlamak (= greet)
829. satisfaction = tatmin, memnuniyet
830. savage = vahşi
831. scald = kaynar suyla yakmak/haşlamak (el, kol vb)
832. scalp = kafa derisini yüzmek
833. scarce = seyrek, az
834. scarcely = hemen hemen hiç (= barely, hardly)
835. scatter = saçmak, serpmek
836. sceptical = şüpheci (= cynical)
837. scratch = (1) kazımak, tahriş etmek (2) tırmalamak
838. sculpture = heykel ***sculptor = heykeltırtaş
839. seam = (1) kıyafetlerin dikiş yerleri (2) (yara için) dikiş yeri
840. seasonal = mevsimine uygun
841. secure = güvenli, emniyetli (= safe)
842. sedate = (1) sakinleştirmek, yatıştırmak (2) sakin, soğukkanlı (= composed)
843. seed = tohum
844. seize = (1) baskınla ele geçirmek (= raid) (2) (birinin kolunu vb) kavramak
845. sense = (1) duygu **sensitive = hassas, duygusal (2) mantık **sensible = mantıklı
846. sentence = (1) birini hapse/cezaya mahkum etmek (2) cümle
847. sentimental = duygusal (= emotional)
848. session = toplantının her bir oturumu
849. sewage = lağım, kanalizasyon
850. shade = (1) gölgelik (2) renk tonu
851. shortcoming = kusur, eksik, noksan
852. shorten = kısaltmak
853. show off = hava atmak
854. shuffle = karıştırmak ( iskambil kağıtlarını); ayak sürüyerek yürüme
855. sigh = iç çekmek *** a sigh of relief = derin/rahat bir nefes
856. significant = (1) önemli, kayda değer (2) manalı, anlamlı
857. silent = sessiz, sakin
858. simply = (1) basit bir şekilde (2) sadece, yalnızca (= only, solely, merely)
859. simulate = taklit etmek *** simulation = taklit
860. sink = (1) batmak (2) lavabo, musluk taşı
861. situate = konuşlandırmak, yerleşmek, yerleştirmek (= locate)
862. size = (1) (insan için) kıyafet bedeni (2) ebat, boyut
863. skill = beceri, yeti, istidat (= talent, ability)
864. slaughter = (1) kurban etmek, kesmek (2) öldürmek, cinayet işlemek (= murder)
865. slavery = kölelik
866. sleeve = gömlek, gömlek kolu *** buy on the sleeve = veresiye satın almak
867. slight = hafif, az
868. slip = kaymak *** slip of the tongue = dil sürçmesi
869. smash = (cam, kapı vb) paramparça etmek, kırıp parçalamak
870. smother (smadır) = (1) (yastık vb ile) boğmak (2) üzerini örtmek, kamufle etmek
871. snap = (fotoğrafçılıkta) poz
872. soap = sabun ****soap opera = pembe dizi
873. sociable = sıcak kanlı, insanlarla çabuk kaynaşan
874. solely = yalnızca, sadece
875. soothing = yatıştırıcı (= comforting, calming)
876. spectacular = görkemli, harikulade
877. spectacular = görkemli, muhteşem (= impressive, stunning)
878. spend = harcamak ( para vb)
879. spillage = (yere vb) dökülen şey, döküntü (su vb)
880. spin = (1) fırıl fırıl dönmek (2) (ip için) eğirmek
881. spine = omurga, belkemiği
882. spiritual = manevi, ruhani
883. spoiled = şımarık (= mischievous (=misçivıs)
884. spouse = eş (karı veya koca)
885. spread = yaymak, yayılmak ***widespread = geniş çaplı, yaygın
886. spring = (1) bahar mevsimi (2) su kaynağı
887. stability = istikrar, denge
888. staff = personel
889. stage = (1) sahne (tiyatro) (2) aşama, merhale
890. stage = sahne, derece
891. startle = (1) korkutmak, ürkütmek (2) şaşırtmak, affalatmak
892. statement = (1) söz, ifade (2) demeç *** give statement = ifade vermek
893. statue (steyçu) = heykel
894. steadily = sabit bir şekilde, istikrarla (= constantly)
895. steal = çalmak, hırsızlık yapmak
896. stealthily (steltili) = hırsız gibi, sinsi bir şekilde (= sneakily (snikili)
897. stem = ağaç gövdesi *** stem from = --- den kaynaklanmak
898. stimulate = (1) teşvik etmek, motive etmek (= encourage) (2) (beyni) uyarmak
899. stir = (1) karışıklık, kargaşa (2) karıştırmak ( çorba vb) ***Stir up = Kızıştırmak
900. store = depo, depolamak
901. storm = fırtına ***blizzard = kar fırtınası
902. stranger = yabancı, ecnebi
903. stray = (1) başıboş aylak kimse (2) sokakta yaşayan kedi, köpek vb
904. stress = (1) buhran, bunalım, stres (2) vurgulamak (= emphasize)
905. stretch = (1) uzamak, uzanmak (2) germek
906. strike = (1) grev *** on strike = grevde (2) darbe, vuruş
907. stroll = ağır ağır dolaşmak (= go for a stroll = dolaşmaya çıkmak)
908. subject to = (1) (ölüme, yalnız kalmaya vb) maruz kalmış (2) olası, muhtemel
909. substantial = çok önemli, önemli ölçüde
910. sue = dava açmak
911. sufficiently = yeterli miktarda
912. suffrage = oy kullanma hakkı
913. suggestion = öneri, tavsiye
914. suggestive of = manalı, imalı, insanın aklına bir şey getiren
915. suit = yakışmak (kıyafetin vb.)
916. supply = (1) tedarik etmek,sağlamak (2) kaynak *** supply of water= su kaynağı
917. support = desteklemek
918. supportive = (1) destek veren, anlayış gösteren (2) yardımsever, şefkatli
919. suppress = (duygularını, bağışıklık sistemini vb) baskılamak
920. surpass = üstün olmak, geride bırakmak, üstün olmak
921. surrender = teslim olmak X surround
922. suspend = askıda , muallakta bırakmak, okuldan uzaklaştırma
923. suspicion = şüphe
924. symptom = semptom, belirti (hastalık vb için)
925. take off = (1) havalanmak (2) taklit emek
926. take on = (sorumluluk vb) üstlenmek
927. tame = evcil hayvan (= docile, domesticated)
928. tapestry = duvar halısı
929. tasteful = (1) zevkli, zevkine düşkün kişi (2) zevkle yapılan/hazırlanan (desen vb)
930. tasty = lezzetli
931. temple (tempıl) = tapınak, mabet (= shrine, sanctuary)
932. tenderness = şefkat, merhamet, anlayış (= affection)
933. terminal = (1) ölümcül (hastalık) (= perishing) (2) uçta/sonda bulunan, son, nihai
934. terminate = (1) (sözleşme, kontrat vb) sonlandırmak, bitirmek (2) yok etmek
935. territory = bölge, arazi
936. the rest of… = --- nın geri kalanı
937. thoughtless = düşüncesiz, patavatsız, kaba (= tactless, rude)
938. throughout = boyunca
939. throw = atmak, fırlatmak
940. throw out = (çöp vb) dışarı atmak
941. thunderstorm = yıldırımlı fırtına
942. tomb = mezar, kabir, türbe (= grave)
943. tough = (1) sert, katı, dayanıklı madde (2) (yiyecek vb) çiğnenmez, iyi pişmemiş (3) (insan için) çetin, dayanıklı, çok hayat tecrübesiyle yoğrulmuş
944. trace = iz, izini sürmek
945. trade = (1) ticaret yapmak, alım satım yapmak (2) ticaret
946. traditional = geleneksel
947. trail = iz, patika
948. train = (1) eğitmek, eğitim görmek (= educate) (2) idman/antrenman yapmak (3) stajyerlik/çıraklık yapmak
949. transmit =(1) göndermek, iletmek (mesaj vb) (2) (hastalık vb) bulaştırmak
950. trash = çöp (= garbage)
951. treasure (trejı= )= hazine
952. treat = (1) tedavi etmek *** treatment = tedavi (2) davranmak
953. trick = hile, tuzak, çeldirme ***play a trick on = kandırmak, kötü şaka yapmak
954. trim = (1) (ağaç) budamak (2) (saç) kırpmak, kesmek
955. tripe = işkembe
956. truthful about = (1) sadece doğruyu söyleyen (2) gerçeklere uygun, doğru (söz)
957. turn in = (1) (yetkili kişiye) teslim etmek (2) uyumaya gitmek
958. unattended = sahipsiz, sahibi ortada gözükmeyen (eşya, çocuk vb)
959. unbearable = katlanılmaz, dayanılmaz (baskı, sıcaklık, soğuk vb) (= intolerable)
960. uncultured = kültürsüz, tahsilsiz, cahil (= uncultivated, boorish, unsophisticated)
961. undermine = zayıflatmak, baltalamak, temelini çürütmek (= weaken)
962. undertake = (zor ve üzün sürebilecek bir işi) üstlenmek, sorumluluğunu almak
963. undertake = üstlenmek (= take on)
964. unfortunate = talihsiz, şansız (= unlucky)
965. unlimited = sınırsız (= unrestricted)
966. unreliable = güvenilmez
967. untimely = vakitsiz, yersiz, olmadık zamanda (= at an awkward time)
968. unusual = sıra dışı, alışılmamış (= extraordinary, exceptional)
969. unwind = (1) (özellikle işten sonra) rahatlamak, dinlenmek (2) düğüm/sargı çözmek
970. upgrade = (bilgisayar gibi makineleri) güncellemek, modelini yenilemek
971. urgent = acil (= pressing)
972. vacation = tatil
973. vague (veyg) = (1) belirsiz, üstü kapalı (2) net hatırlanamayan şey X vivid
974. valley = vadi
975. vanish = 1- ortadan kaybolmak 2-yok olmak
976. variety = değişiklik, çeşitlilik
977. vast = büyük, engin, muazzam (= immense, tremendous, huge)
978. vet = veteriner
979. vigorously = gayretle (= diligently)
980. violate (vayoleyt) = (kural, kanun, hak vb) ihlal etmek, çiğnemek (= abuse)
981. violent = şiddetli, şiddet içerikli
982. virtually = hemen hemen, neredeyse (= practically, nearly, almost)
983. vocation = meslek
984. volunteer = gönüllü, ücret almadan yardım eden
985. vote for/against = (1) oy (2) oy vermek
986. voyage = deniz yolculuğu
987. wantonly = (1) durduk yere, sebepsiz yere (2) ahlaksızca, şehvetle
988. wear = takınmak( gözlük, kolye, kıyafet),giymek
989. weep = ağlamak, sızlamak (= cry, sob)
990. whirl = (1) hızla dönmek (2) girdap
991. wholly = tamamen, tümüyle, bütünüyle (= entirely)
992. widely = geniş çapta, oldukça
993. widow = kadın dul ***widower = erkek dul
994. withdraw from = (1) (savaştan,seçimlerden vb) geri çekilmek (= pull out of) (2) (bankadan, hesaptan vb) para çekmek
995. withdrawn = içine kapanık (= reserved, inhibited)
996. witness = (1) şahit olmak (2) tanık, şahit, görgü tanığı
997. worthless = değersiz (= valueless)
998. yard = avlu, bahçe
999. yield = (1) ürün meyve vermek (2) ürün kazanç
1000. zip = fermuar
goss ingilizce etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
goss ingilizce etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
12 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba
4 Şubat 2014 Salı
1 . Trawlers, whaling ships and purse seiners are in the category of …………
A) pleasure crafts
B) fishing vessels
C) passenger ships
D) naval ships
E) excursion boats
2. The sequence of events in a cycle within 4 stroke diesel engine is:
1- The piston is forced down at BDC (Bottom Dead Center) exhaust valve opens
2- The piston is at the top of its stroke, TDC (Top Dead Center), inlet valve opens, fresh
air is drawn
3- Pressure is high in the gases
4- Fuel is injected as the piston reaches TDC, to start the combustion
5- Inlet valve opens, fresh air drawn as the piston moves down
6- At the bottom of the stroke BDC inlet valve closes and the air in cylinder is
compressed as the piston rises
A) 2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 3 - 1
B) 2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 - 3
C) 2 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 - 1
D) 5 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 3 - 1
E) 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 3
3. An overspeeding diesel engine could best be stopped by:
A) Disconnecting the battery cables from the starting motor
B) Draining the cooling water
C) Draining the hydraulic fluid from the governor sump
D) Blocking the flow of cooling air to the radiator
E) Blocking the air intake and securing the fuel supply
4. The cylinder cover is tightened against liner with studs.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
A) removed
B) replaced
C) screwed
D) slackened
E) supported
5. The motion of the piston in the cylinder is;
A) rotary
B) axial
C) bending
D) fluctuating
E) reciprocating
6. ‘The intake valve is open and exhaust valve is closed. The air is drawn into cylinder
while the piston is moving downward’ defines;
A) power stroke
B) compression stroke
C) intake stroke
D) exhaust stroke
E) combustion
7. In two stroke engines, if the engine has exhaust valve(s), it is a ………………..
scavenged engine.
A) cross flow
B) non-flow
C) overflow
D) loop
E) uniflow
8. Having an unstarting compressor must make you think the possibiliy of………….
A) No charge of liquid in the system
B) Closed solenoid valves
C) A and B
D) None above
E) Having sufficient amount of air
9. The pump type using a piston or plunger to remove the fluid;
A) rotary vane pump
B) gear pump
C) reciprocating positive displacement pump
D) screw pump
E) centrifugal pump
10. To remove the impurities and water droplets from oil, …………………….. are used
on board a ship.
A) purifiers
B) clarifiers
C) centrifuges
D) separators
E) all
11. ………………. is the control of temperature and humidity in a space together with
the circulation, filtering and refreshing of the air.
A) Refrigeration
B) Air conditioning
C) Ventilation
D) Cooling
E) Circulating
12. While making your rounds, you notice the main lube oil temperature is higher than
normal. To remedy this situation, you should:
A) Speed up the main lube oil pump
B) Open the lube oil cooler seawater inlet valve wider
C) Throttle in on the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve
D) Close the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
E) Open the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
13. ..... the fire pumps are at work.
What word can be used instead of underlined part ?
A) inoperable
B) operable
C) in operation
D) arranged
E) out of order
14. Oily water separators are used to separate oil from bilge water …….. the bilge
water is pumped ……….
A) after / overboard
B) before / overboard
C) before / inboard
D) after / out
E) when / aboard
15. On most diesel engines, the governor controls the speed by:
A) Contolling the amount of fuel injected into the cylinders
B) Varying the speed of the turbocharger
C) Adjusting the compression ratio
D) Changing the timing of the fuel injection camshaft
E) Changing the timing of the exhaust valves
16. What word is not related to cargo handling equipment ?
A) filler
B) derrick
C) hoisting
D) jib
E) crane
17. Any electric motor can be constructed to be ……………….. proof.
A) Short
B) Ground
C) Explosion
D) Overload
E) A and B
18. In the incident of oil fire …………………………
A) Get water on deck
B) Open steam or CO² smothering system to cargo holds
C) Close off all ventilation, blowers, doors etc.
D) Open CO²smothering system to cargo holds
E) All above
19. Which one is not treated on board ?
A) sewage
B) feed water
C) fresh water
D) lube oil
E) balast water
20. When the separated oil is burnt by an ………….., the application is recorded in Oil
Record Book.
A) oily water separator
B) ejector
C) incinerator
D) chlorinator
E) aeration chamber
21. The removal of contaminating impurities from lubricating oil will …………….
A) Increase engine wear
B) Decrease engine wear
C) Increase possible breakdowns
D) Decrease possible breakdowns
E) B and D
22. If one cylinder was getting more fuel than others the effect will be ……………
A) That cylinder’s being overloaded
B) The exhaust valve’s being overheated
C) Average compression
D) Incomplete combustion
E) Complete combustion
23. A propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by …………………….
A) Shutting off the air supply
B) Overspeeding the engine
C) Securing the fuel supply
D) Securing the ignition system
E) All above
24. Sediment collects in a tubular purifier:
A) On top cover
B) In drain line
C) On sides of bowl
D) On the discs
E) None of above
25. “Water hammer” is caused by:
A) Hitting water pipe with hammer
B) Too much water in pipe line system
C) Water in steam lines
D) Steam in water lines
E) Few amount of water in pipe line system
26. The valve which is always partially open when the evaporator is in operation is the:
A) Vapor valve
B) Continuous blowdown valve
C) Bottom blowdown valve
D) Surface blowdown valve
E) Fresh water valve
27. What kind of bolts would you use on a saltwater line ?
A) Cold rolled
B) Brass
C) Cast iron
D) Plastic
E) All of the above
28. Studs and nuts intended for use in main steam line flanges and fittings are marked
with an “H” or a “T” to show they are :
A) Heat resistant
B) Hard finished
C) Half threaded
D) Corrosion resistant
E) Fire proof
29. An advantage of aluminum pistons compared to cast iron pistons is:
A) Greater high temperature strength
B) Greater weight per cubic meter
C) Increased resistance to wear
D) Low temperature strength
E) Better heat conductivity
30. What harmful consequence can result from sludge in the lube oil system of a trunk
piston diesel engine ?
A) Clogged oil pump suction screens
B) Increased oil temperature
C) Stuck piston rings
D) Any of the above
E) None of the above
31. The air supplied to the cylinders by a turbocharger is often reduced in volume by
a/an :
A) Air compressor
B) Diffuser
C) Filter
D) Venturi
E) Aftercooler
32. Insufficient refrigerant in a refrigeration plant on board a ship may result in:
A) High discharge pressure
B) Frosting of the crankcase
C) High temperature of the overboard water
D) Low suction pressure
E) Low temperature of the sea water
33. The thermostatic expansion valve of R-22 or R-134a refrigeration system controls
A) Back pressure in the evaporator coils
B) Temperature in the refrigerated space
C) Superheat in the refrigerant leaving the evaporator
D) Refrigerant pressure in high side
E) Temperature in the condenser
34. Which valve is normally closed when charging an R-22 or R-134a refrigeration
system through the high side ?
A) The thermal expansion valve
B) The dehydrator inlet valve
C) The suction line valve
D) Both the thermal expansion valve and dehydrator inlet valve
E) The liquid line king valve
35. Cavitation, the forming and bursting of vapor filled cavities or bubbles will result in
A) A loss of thrust
B) Erosion of the blade surface
C) Vibrations in the afterbody of the ship
D) Noise
E) All above
36. When operating at high or low speed in the use of nozzles in a turbine, attention
and precaution must be taken that ……………………
A) The nozzles in use should be wide open
B) Operation with a few nozzles as it’s economical
C) The nozzles not in use must be tightly closed
D) All above
E) Only A an B
37. ……………………….. protects the pump shafts from erosion, corrosion and wear
A) Wearing rings
B) Renewable sleeves
C) A hardened metal coating
D) Internally flooded lantern rings
E) Lantern rings
38. It shall be the responsibility of the…………….to prepare the boilers for inspection.
A) Chief Engineer
B) 2nd Engineer
C) Boatswain
D) 2nd officer
E) Any above organization
39. An electric heater built into the cylinder water jacket would be used to:
A) Raise lube oil viscosity for easier starting in cold weather
B) Increase air inlet temperature
C) Increase compression ratio
D) Increase jacketwater temperature for easier starting in cold weather
E) Heating compressed air
40. A cracked cylinder head on a diesel engine could be indicated by:
A) Excessive lube oil consumption
B) Water draining from the fuel leakoff valves
C) Excessive fuel oil consumption
D) Excessive cooling water consumption
E) Combustion gases venting at the expansion tank
41. “manometer” measures:(GASM tarafından iptal edilmiş)
A) Air pressure
B) Steam pressure
C) Oil pressure
D) Water pressure
E) Oil temperature
42. In a 2 stroke engine each revolution of the crank is completed within the angle of….
A) 360°
B) 180°
C) 720°
D) 90°
E) 45°
43. When does a two stroke cycle diesel engine produce a power stroke in each cylinder:
A) Once in every 2 revolutions of the crankshaft
B) Once for every 4 stroke of the piston
C) Once for every 2 stroke of the piston
D) Directly after the exhaust stroke
E) None of the above
44. A steam turbine has curved blades. What word can be used as the opposite of the underlined word?
A) straight
B) flat
C) sharp
D) smooth
E) vertical
45. Which of the followings is not one of the qualities of the governor ?
A) The main control device on the engine
B) Controls the engine speed when the power is required to change
C) The supplementary control device on the engine
D) Can be adjusted automatically
E) Made up of speed sensing arrangement and hydraulic unit
46. Blue smoke coming from the diesel exhaust would indicate:
A) Excessive fuel consumption / unburned fuel
B) Burning of lube oil due to possible blow by
C) Lean fuel / air mixture, too much air
D) Less amount of fuel consumption
E) None of the above
47. ‘The intake valve is open and exhaust valve is closed. The air is drawn into cylinder while the piston is moving downward’defines;
A) power stroke
B) compression stroke
C) intake stroke
D) exhaust stroke
E) combustion
48. All diesel lubricating system must:
A) Have a forced feed mechanical lubricator
B) Prevent oil fog in the crankcase to avoid crankcase explosion
C) Provide oil for cooling the piston and cylinder wall
D) Provide a film of oil between the piston and cylinder wall
E) None of the above
49. The main components of crankshaft assembly are webs, pins and journals.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
A) purposes
B) sides
C) parts
D) types
E) means
50. Which of the following is highly advised to be used for washing turbo charger blower by the manifacturers ?
A) Hotwater
B) ACC9+Hot water
C) Filter clean+hotwater
D) Carbon remover+hot water
E) Descalex liquid+hot water
51. …………………. leads excessive lost motion in the valve mechanism of a duplex pump.
A) The pump to short stroke continously
B) The pistons to stop in mid stroke
C) The pump to operate sluggishly
D) The cushioning valves to wear
E) A and B
52. Which of the following indicates pump’s function instead of its structure?
A) bilge pump
B) centrifugal pump
C) positive displacement pump
D) gear pump
E) reciprocating pump
53. To produce steam on board a ship, ……………..are mostly used
A) steam turbines
B) purifiers
C) boilers
D) clarifiers
E) evaporators
54. Why do you add cornstarch to an evaporator ?
A) To cut down on priming and scale
B) To make the water taste better
C) To prevent high temperatures
D) To increase the rate of vaporization
E) To reduce the temperature of fresh water
55. When purging a refrigeration system, the compressor is …………………..
A) Running
B) Running with the bypass open
C) Shut down
D) Running with the bypass closed
E) Running stedily
56. What word has a positive meaning ?
A) abrasion
B) corrosion
C) contaminate
D) overpressure
E) overhaul
57. Low head pressure can be caused by ………..
A) Too much condensing water
B) Too cold condensing water
C) Leaky discharge valves
D) Insufficient change of refrigerant
E) Any of the above
58. If the quantity of oil and particles in separated oily water is ……15ppm, it can be drained overboard.
A) below
B) over
C) at
D) above
E) up
59. When the separated oil is burnt by an…………….., the application is recorded in Oil Record Book.
A) oily water separator
B) ejector
C) incinerator
D) chlorinator
E) aeration chamber
60. ……… the fire pumps are at work.
What word can be used instead of underlined part ?
A) inoperable
B) operable
C) in operation
D) arranged
E) out of order
61. ………… is the first signal of lube – oil trouble.
A) Lube oil gravity tank low level alarm goes off
B) Low lube oil sump level
C) Low outlet temperature from lube oil coolers
D) No flow throught bull’s eye from gravity tank observed
E) A and B
62. The TEV (thermostatic expansion valve) is located between:
A) The receiver and the king valve
B) The king valve and solenoid
C) Both A and B
D) The solenoid valve and evaporator
E) The charging valve and solenoid
63. The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is from the:
A) Expansion valve to compressor
B) Compressor to expansion valve
C) Expansion valve to the evaporator
D) Condenser to the expansion valve
E) None of the above
64. The bulb for the TEV (thermostatic expansion valve) is located:
A) In the middle of the evaporator coils
B) Near the evaporator coil outlet
C) Near the evaporator coil inlet
D) On the bottom row of the evaporator
E) None of the above
65. What is the advantage of using a hydraulic starting system for an emergency diesel?
A) The system is inexpensive
B) High pressure lines are not required
C) It is compact
D) Faster cranking speeds are obtained
E) None of the above
66. Worn bearings, rings, and valves all contribute to:
A) Poor reversal
B) Quiet operation
C) Hard starting
D) High pressure
E) None of the above
67. What would cause white smoke after you just started the diesel?
A) Too week battery power
B) Water in the fuel
C) Water in the gas
D) Water in the oil
E) Salt water in cooling water
68. The turbocharger of an auxilliary diesel engine is most effected by:
A) Air inlet manifold pressure
B) Engine speed
C) Exhaust temperature
D) Engine load
E) None of the above
69. The coils in the evaporator are attached to the heater by:
A) Pipe nipples
B) Union type fittings
C) Welding
D) Bolted flanges
E) Both C and D
70. Cylinder liners are generally used on diesel engines because:
A) Liners may be easily replaced after the cylinder walls show wear
B) Liners provide a more efficient cooling system
C) Rubbing speeds are reduced through the use of liners
D) Liners provide a better lubricating surface
E) None of the above
71. An over speeding diesel engine could best be stopped by:
A) Disconnecting the battery cables from the starting motor
B) Blocking the air intake and securing the fuel supply
C) draining the hydraulic fluid from the governor sump
D) Blocking the flow of cooling air to the radiator
E) Both C and D
72. The valve which is always partially open when the evaporator is in operation is the:
A) Vapor valve
B) Continuous blowdown valve
C) Bottom blowdown valve
D) Surface blowdown valve
E) Bottom blowup valve
73. The dehydrator on a refrigeration plant is used to:
A) Add moisture to the system
B) Remove moisture from the system
C) Remove air from the system
D) Remove oil from the system
E) Both C and D
74. As freon leaves the expansion valve:
A) Pressure decreases – volume increases
B) Volume decreases- pressure increases
C) Volume increases – pressure increases
D) Pressure increases – volume decreases
E) None of the above
75. Regardless of the geographical location of on oil spill, you should notify the………
A) Local police department
B) Local fire department
C) Corps of Engineers
D) Coast Guard
E) The pilot
76. The oil level in the compressor should be checked:
A) While the compressor is in operation
B) Just before starting the compressor
C) After a long period of operation
D) For both B and C
E) None of the above
77. In a diesel engine closed cooling system, the flow of fresh water through the fresh water and lube oil coolers is controlled by the:
A) Speed of the engine
B) Speed of the pump impeller
C) Automatic temperature regulator
D) Suction pressure regulator
E) Governor
78. What type of gauge reads pressure and vacuum ?
A) Duplex
B) Simplex
C) Both B and C
D) Compound
E) Bourdon tube
79. Minor freon leaks can be detected by the use of a device called:
A) A freon visible leak detector
B) A freon audible leak detector
C) The blue oven flame detector
D) Halide torch
E) None of the above
80. Most gauges in the fire room are:
A) Manometers
B) Thermocouples
C) Dual purpose
D) Thermometers
E) Bourdon tube – type
81. The usual cause of crankcase explosions in diesel engines is not …………………
A) Heating lubricating oil
B) Overheating lubricating oil
C) Poor condition of the cylinder
D) Crank shaft bearing failures maintanance
E) Any above
82. ……………. is not one of the advantages of the open cooling system.
A) Being the simplest system
B) No requirement of heat exchange
C) Obligation of keeping engine cool
D) The requirement of only one water circulating pump
E) The requirement of 2 water circulating pumps
83. Another name for the liquid valve is:
A) Master valve
B) King valve
C) Freon valve
D) Shut off valve
E) None of above
84. What is the high pressure side of the refrigeration system?
A) Compressor to condenser
B) Evaporator to compressor
C) Expansion valve to evaporator
D) Compressor to expansion valve
E) Evaporator
85. The solenoid valve can be typed as a:
A) Thermal valve
B) Magnetic stop valve
C) Bellows valve
D) Bimetallic valve
E) Both C and D
86. Pre-combustion chambers in a diesel engine:
A) Require that each cylinder use two spray nozzles
B) Require the use of flat crowned pistons to obtain turbulence
C) Permit the use of a wide range of fuel in that engine
D) Contain all of the air charge at the end of the compression stroke
E) Require that each cylinder use more than four spray nozzles
87. ………….. is the principal hazard to staff when a diesel nozzle tester is in use is
A) Electrical shock
B) Toxic fumes
C) Explosion
D) Blood poisoning
E) Loosing consciousness
88. A “pneumercator” measures:
A) Oil pressure
B) Air level
C) Liquid level
D) Air pressure
E) Air temperature
89. The solenoid valve can be typed as a:
A) Thermal valve
B) Magnetic stop valve
C) Bellows valve
D) Bimetallic valve
E) Both C and D
90. What would cause white smoke after you have just started the diesel ?
A) Too week battery power
B) Water in the fuel
C) Water in the gas
D) Water in the oil
E) Salt water in cooling water
91. …………………. is the principal hazard to staff when a diesel nozzle tester is in use is
A) Electrical shock
B) Toxic fumes
C) Explosion
D) Blood poisoning
E) Loosing consciousness
92. If one fuel oil strainer of a duplex unit becomes clogged while your vessel is steaming at sea, you should first:
A) Clean the dirty strainer as quickly as possible
B) Change the strainer over to the clean side
C) Stop the fuel oil service pump
D) Open the strainer bypass valve
E) Stop the engine
93. Scavenging means …………………….. on an internal combustion engines.
A) The removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air
B) The filling of the engine cylinder with a supply or change of fresh air
C) The formation of exhaust gases within the cylinder
D) The removal of exhaust gases
E) Any above
94. What is the flexible coupling used for ?
A) Small amount of misalignment
B) Take up for vibration in the shaft
C) to allow for expansion
D) Connects between the bull gear and the tail shaft
E) To allow for streching
95. Fuel is ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine by:
A) The heat of compression within the cylinder
B) A spark plug in the pre-combustion chamber
C) An electrical discharge from the distributor
D) Heat from the fuel injection nozzle
E) With a simple spark plug
96. What types of lubricating oil systems are used on diesel engines?
A) Forced feed and gravity
B) Forced feed and splash
C) Both A and B
D) Gravity and wick
E) Wet sump and dry sump
97. Before starting an auxiliary diesel engine, you should:
A) Change fuel oil strainers
B) Clean the air filter
C) Check the crankcase oil level
D) Vent the cooling system
E) Clean flywhell
98. A propeller turning clockwise when viewed from aft is considered right handed and most single screw ships have …………….. propellers. A twin screw ship usually has a ……………. ……………….. propeller and a …………. …………….. propeller.
A) Right handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
B) Right handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
C) Left handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
D) Left handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
E) Right handed/left handed starboard/right handed port
99. If a bilge pump failed to build up discharge pressure, you should check for:
A) Excessive water in the bilges
B) A clogged suction strainer
C) Oil in the bilges
D) A closed skin valve
E) None of the above
100. Fire tube boilers are designed to operate within the conditions of:
A) High pressure, temperature
B) Low pressure, temperature
C) High capacity and quick steam raising process
D) Low capacity but quick steam raising process
E) High capacity but they are heavy
101. By definition a separator: 1. removes solids from the lube oil; 11. removes water from the lube oil.
A) 1
B) 11
C) 1 and 11
D) Neither 1 nor 11
E) Any of above
102. How are line shaft bearings usually lubricated ?
A) A gravity-feed
B) Pressure-feed
C) Oil lubricating disks
D) Oil lubricating rings
E) Oil injectors
103. Which of the following types of valves is used in the bilge manifold?
A) Swing check
B) Non-return
C) Angle
D) Globe
E) Butterfly
104. The function of the exhaust system for a turbocharged diesel engine is to …………
A) Power the aftercoolers
B) Power the turbocharger
C) Reduce the cylinder scavenge effect
D) Cool the turbocharger
E) Any above
105. Before ballasting by gravity ……………………..
A) Pump in balast for about 10 minutes to wash out bottom lines
B) Start pump before opening sea valves
C) Make sure all proper valves are open
D) All of above
E) A and B
106. A fire sprinkling system must be fitted ……………………….
A) On all vessels over 5.000 GT
B) In conjunction with the CO2 system
C) With a pressure tank of fresh water to the supply system pending the starting of the
D) None of the above
E) A and C
107. The process of supplying the intake of a diesel engine with air at a pressure greater than atmospheric is called:
A) Engine displacement
B) Scavenging
C) Air injection
D) Supercharging
E) Intercooling
108. In the simple mechanical governor, the:
A) Flyweight centrifugal force is balanced by spring pressure
B) Centrifugal force rotates the ball head
C) Flyweight centrifugal force is balanced by hydraulic pres sure
D) Speeder spring actuates the fuel control rod
E) Hydraulic force rotates the ball head
109. In the incident of oil fire ………………………………
A) Get water on deck
B) Open steam or CO2 smothering system to cargo holds
C) Close off all ventilation, blowers, doors etc.
D) Open CO2 smothering system to cargo holds
E) All above
110. In accordance with the international requirements, the bilge purifier will separete oily water within the density of ……..
A) < 15 particular per million
B) < 15 particular post million
C) < 15 particular per meter
D) <ַ 15 particular per meter
E) < 15 particular per billion
111. The requirement for portable fire equipment is ………………………
A) Annual check
B) Keeping in easily accessible places
C) Hose connections and keeping hoses in good condition
D) All above
E) Before the end of consuming period
112. Cut out system on the aux boiler operates ……………………
A) Low level alarm
B) Low low level alarm
C) High level alarm
D) High pressure alarm
E) Low pressure alarm
113. …………………… is the cause of burned exhaust valves
A) Overloaded cylinder
B) Poor combustion
C) Distortion and faulty reseating maintenance
D) Any above
E) A and B
114. When a cargo hose joint or coupling starts to leak badly the attempt you should do is to…..
A) Reduce pumping pressure and wrap leak securely
B) Shut down transfer and make repairs
C) Soak spill with sawdust and reduce pumping pressure
D) Wash deck immediately and close tank tops
E) Carry on transfer
115. Water in the lube oil system may be detected by: 1. sounding lube oil tanks with water sensitive paste; 11. observing the purifier discharge.
A) 1
B) 11
C) 1 and 11
D) Neither 1 nor 11
E) None of above
116. Electrohydraulic steering units are protected from pounding forces (rudder shock) by:
A) Buffer springs
B) Follow up mechanism
C) Relief valves
D) Relieving gear
E) Steering pumps
117. The rotating part of a micrometer is the:
A) Anvil
B) Barrel
C) Frame
D) Thimble
E) Cover
118. Trunk type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled when heat is:
A) Radiated through the engine block
B) Mixed with lubrication oil
C) Conducted through the piston crown
D) Transferred to escaping exhaust gases
E) Transferred to water cooled cylinder walls
119. When the oil in the seperator is decreasing, which place can not be leaking?
A) Lower bearing casing
B) Drum shaft
C) Wormgear shaft bearing hosing
D) Middle ball bearing casing
E) The o-ring at shock water entrance to separator into shockwater
120. ……………………. should be regarded as a special attention after installing a new hydraulic pump.
A) The relief filters should be readjusted
B) The filters and strainers should be checked frequently
C) System pressures should be readjusted
D) The fluid should be drained and renewed
E) All above
121. All details of fuel bunkering, balast handling, tank cleaning or slop disposal must be entered in the …………………………
A) Rough log
B) Engine room log
C) Oil record book
D) Smooth log
E) A and B
122. Performance of a turbocharged engine can be improved by:
A) Decreasing valve over lap
B) Preheating
C) Aftercooling intake air
D) Preheating light fuels
E) Heating intake air
123. When maneuvering, you discover heavy smoke coming from the turbocharger casing. You should:
A) Check the air fitler for dirt
B) Check for an exhaust leak
C) Check the cooling water temperature
D) Notify the bridge and ask to shut the engine down
E) Check fuel oil consumption
124. A device which will function to bring an engine to a full stop in order to protect it from damage due to excessively high speed is known as a/an:
A) Torque limiter
B) Overspeed trip
C) Overspeed governor
D) Load limit governor
E) Any of above
125. Refrigerant leakage from the compressor crankcase is prevented by ………..
A) Using skirt type pistons
B) Using shaftseals
C) Using lantern rings
D) Maintaining a vacuum in the crankcase
E) Any above
126. The reciprocating motion of a connecting rod is transformed into a rotary motion by the ………….
A) Crankshaft
B) Crankwebs
C) Crank cheeks
D) Crankpine
E) Piston
127. A pyrometer is normally used to measure:
A) Steam pressure
B) Water temperature
C) Draft loss
D) Humidity
E) Gas temperature
128. The successive order of 4 stroke diesel engines:
A) Compression-suction-firing-exhaust
B) Suction-firing-compression-exhaust
C) Suction-compression-exhaust-firing
D) Suction-compression-firing-exhaust
E) Compression-air inlet-firing exhaust
129. When the valves are operated ……………………… on a diesel engine, they are actuated by means of cams, pushrods, rocker arms and rollers.
A) Mechanically
B) Hydraulically
C) Pneumatically
D) Electrically
E) Any above
130. The pistonheads in the engine are manufactured concave and convex shaped in order that …………………
A) The vessel will be faster
B) It will control the temperature of the engine
C) It will increase oil pressure in the engine
D) It will increase the durability of the piston
E) It will provide a powerful engine
131. Lubrication oil viscosity in an operation diesel engine can be reduced by:
A) Overloading the engine
B) Increasing the amount of lube oil
C) Decreasing the amount of cooling water
D) Combustion by products contamination
E) Fuel oil dilution
132. All of the following are used for low temperature starting, except:
A) Ether
B) Jacket water heaters
C) Both A and B
D) Air intake heaters
E) Cylinder compression ratio reduced
133. The purpose of the low pressure cut out switch is to:
A) Maintain liquid refrigerant at the suction of the compressor
B) Maintain a preset suction pressure to the compressor
C) Cut out the compressor at a set pressure
D) Maintain compressor in at a preset temperature
E) Cut conpressor in and out at a preset pressure
134. In terms of pressure and temperature, what happens to the primary refrigerant in the compressor ?
A) Its pressure and temperature are both lowered
B) Its pressure and temperature are both raised
C) Its pressure and lowered and its temperature is raised
D) Its pressure is raised and its temperature is lowered
E) None of the above
135. Watertube boilers are designed to operate within the conditions of ………….
A) High pressure, temperature, capacity
B) Low pressure but high capacity
C) Heavy but quick steam raising process
D) A and C
E) Fort he auxilliary purposes
136. The purpose of the evaporator is to: ( BU SORU YANLIŞ-BKZ SORU 179 )
A) Absorb latent heat of vaporization
B) Absorb latent heat of fusion
C) Transfer latent heat of vaporization
D) Transfer latent heat of fusion
E) Transfer latent heat of freezing
137. The drains from both effects in a low pressure evaporator have their pressures equalized in the:
A) Equalizer tank
B) Drain tank
C) Flash chamber
D) Air ejector condense
E) Fuel oil tank
138. Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator ……………….., turbo alternator ………… and all the full away procedure should be done ………………
A) Will have to be started / will be shut down / in reverse order
B) Doesnot have to be started / will have to be shut down / in reverse order
C) Will have to be started / will have to be started / in right order
D) Will have to be shut down / will have to be started / in reverse order
E) Doesn’t have to be shut down / will have to be shut down / in right order
139. When oil is heated, it becomes …………..
A) Less viscous
B) Emulsified
C) More viscous
D) Vitrified
E) Not necessarly vitrified
140. The instrument always used in conjunction with a salinity indicator is the:
A) Pyrometer
B) Thermometer
C) Hygrometer
D) Hydrometer
E) Oxygen meter
141. ………………. is hardly the cause of a smoky diesel engine exhaust.
A) Overload
B) Malfunctioned injector
C) Choked exhaust pipe
D) Inappropriate amount of fuel
E) Appropriate amount of fuel
142. When starting ballasting ………. valve should be opened last
A) Seacock
B) Punp discharge valve
C) Deck filling valve
D) Tank suction valve
E) None above
143. Fire detecting and extinguishing equipment is required on all ………………
B) Passenger vessels on international voyage
C) Vessels over 150 feet in length
D) Vessels over 450 feet in length
E) Cruise boats
144. The lubricant is expected to have the qualities of ……………………….
A) Preventing metal-to metal contact
B) Causing metal to metal contact
C) Decrease friction
D) Decrease friction wear
E) All except B
145. ………………………….. should be followed as a procedure, if it is necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port
A) Pumping only if discharge is led to a shore tank or barge
B) Pumping only during the hours of darkness
C) Punping only on the outgoing tide
D) Punping only as much as is necessary
E) Pumping only the day hours
146. …………………… should be considered as a hazard on the propeller and a thorough examination and repair will be carried out when the vessel is in dry dock.
A) Bent blades
B) Signs of cracks on the blade edge
C) Deep pits and holes
D) Edge cracks
E) All above
147. Considering the fuel, ignition quality is determined by …………………..
A) Cetane number
B) Diesel index
C) Calculated cetane index
D) Flash point
E) All except D
148. How often should the emergency diesel be run under load?
A) Once a year
B) Once a month
C) Once a week
D) At survey time only
E) At drydock
149. The main characteristics of a diesel engine is:
A) internal combustion engine; the fuel is burned external of the cylinders
B) producing high power of energy
C) either 2 or 4 stroke, fuel is burned inside the cylinders
D) economical in compare with the steam engines, but hard maintenance
E) fixed sequence of events within its unique type
150. On a diesel engine, a freshwater heat exchanger is used rather than a saltwater one to:
A) Maintain fuel oil temperature
B) Maintain lube oil temperature
C) Cut down on rust and corrosion
D) Keep the engine block from freezing in cold weather
E) Maintain air temperature
151. The upper section of a piston is called the:
A) Land
B) Skirt
C) Crown
D) Plate
E) Disk
152. The suction control switch on the compressor is a ……………………..
A) Thermal element
B) Thermostat
C) Pressure element
D) None above
E) All of above
153. The heat which is used to change a liquid to a gas or vapor is called latent heat of..
A) Absorption
B) Fusion
C) Liquid
D) Evaporization
E) Fission
154. As Freon leaves the expansion valve ……………………..
A) Pressure increases – volume increases
B) Pressure decreases – volume increases
C) Pressure decreases – volume decreases
D) Pressure increases – volume decreases
E) Pressure increases – no change in the volume
155. An overheated bearing in the main propulsion unit is indicated by:
A) Bubbles in the sight glass
B) Sludge in the strainers
C) A high oil level in the sump
D) Low temperature of the lube oil leaving the bearing
E) High temperature of the lube oil leaving the bearing
156. Emulsification of oil will ocur when mixed with:
A) Air
B) Water
C) Black oil
D) Ice cream
E) Oxygen
157. The liner which has no direct contact with the cooling water is what kind of a liner
A) Wet
B) Dry
C) Integral
D) None of the above
E) Cooled with lubrication oil
158. ………………. is the first to do when securing an AC generator.
A) Tripping the generator circuit breaker
B) Switching the voltage regulator to manual
C) Decreasing the field excitation to minumum
D) Reducing the load on the unit
E) Increasing the load on the unit
159. In case of burning of radio equipments on the bridge the extinguishers should be the same as the ones to be used in …………… fires, keeping in mind that the fire will turno ut mobe a ……………………. fire when starting firefighting takes long.
A) Class E/Class A
B) Class E/Class B
C) Class B/Class A
D) Class C/Class A
E) Class C/Class E
160. The system used for breaking scale from the evaporator coil while the evaporator is in operation is called:
A) Recirculating
B) Blowing down
C) Cracking off
D) Dumping
E) None of above
161. This gauge measures both inlet and outlet pressures of a strainer:
A) A compound gauge
B) A duplex gauge
C) a biogauge
D) A pressure / vacuum gauge
E) None of the above
162. In a 4 stroke engine 2 revolution of the crank is completed within the angle of…
A) 720°
B) 360°
C) 180°
D) 90°
E) 45°
163. What will happen to a small diesel engine that is equipped with an “auto type” thermostat if the bellows develop a hole in it?
A) The engine will overheat
B) The engine will remain cold
C) The engine will remain not start
D) The cooling water will “by pass” the engine
E) None of the above
164. ……………… are the common parts within the 2 and 4 stroke diesel engines.
A) Piston, valves, cylinder, fuel injector
B) Crankshaft, crosshead, cylinder
C) Turbocharger, piston, gudgeonpin, cylinder
D) Crankshaft, connecting rod, pistons
E) Cylinder, connecting rod, pistons
165. If the flow of water from a centrifugal pump is stopped by closing the discharge valve with the pump running:
A) The relief valve will open
B) The water pressure will stabilize at shut off head
C) The water pressure will tend to rise continuously
D) The driver will be over loaded
E) The water temperature will tend to decrease continuously
166. Which factor below is not the cause of vibration and noise in turbines?
A) Unbalance
B) Dıstortion of casing
C) Loose couplings
D) Tight couplings
E) Any above
167. The second effect on a two pass evaporator receives its steam from:
A) De-superheated steam
B) Vapors from first effect
C) Auxiliary back pressure
D) Auxiliary forward pressure
E) None of the above
168. All refrigerator compressor valves are opened and closed via ………….
A) Springs
B) Camshaft
C) Pressure differential
D) A or C
E) None above
169. Flashlights used aboard tankers must be …………….
A) Waterproof
B) Of the three cell type
C) Approved by the Board of fire underwriters
D) All above
E) A and C
170. When distilling salt water the cooling-water discharge from the distiller is fed back to the evaporator as feedwater:
A) To cut down on the amount of cooling water needed
B) To prevent an excess amount of cooling water from being discharged to the bilges
C) To supply hot water to the evaporator for more economical operation
D) To supply sufficient amount of sea water
E) None of the above
171. A spring bearing on the line shaft is lubricated by:
A) The lube oil gravity tank
B) Water leak off from the stern tube
C) An oil ring and scraper
D) The main lube oil pump
E) Any above
172. Which of the following actions should you take to correct a low condensing pressure in a refrigeration system?
A) Purge the condenser
B) Remove refrigerant
C) Adjust the thermostatic expansion valve
D) Increase the compressor speed
E) Add refrigerant
173. Pre-ignition can be caused by ……………….. in an operating diesel engine
A) Excessively late fuel injection
B) Oil in the air charge
C) Water in the fuel
D) Injection continuing after the fuel charge is ignited
E) None above
174. A ball bearing will overheated if:
A) Completely full of grease
B) Half full of grease
C) In us efor a long time
D) Operated at high speed
E) operated at medium speed
175. One horsepower equals …..
A) 1000 watts
B) 746 watts
C) 100 watts
D) 940 watts
E) 786 watts
176. Emergency generators are placed …………………..
A) Near the machinery space
B) above the bulkhead or freeboard deck whichever the higher
C) Midships near the engine room casing
D) Above the deep load line
E) None above
177. Which one is not identical with the characteristics of the construction of a-2-stroke diesel engines?
A) Instead of valve holes, ports are installed
B) A cycle is completed in 2 strokes of the piston
C) Produce high power in compare with 4 stroke engines
D) The maintenance is simple
E) A cycle is completed in 2 revolution of the crankcase
178. Which of the following is not one of the parts of D/G overhaul?
A) Valve rotator
B) Valve spindle
C) Intake valve
D) Valve seat
E) Starting valve
179. The purpose of an evaporator is to ….
A) Transmit the latent heat of fusion
B) Transmit the latent heat of evaporation
C) Absorb the latent heat of evaporation
D) Absorb the latent heat of fusion
E) Any above
180. ………………… is a process, in which the temperature of a space on whatever takes place in, is reduced below that of their surroundings.
A) Refrigeration
B) Air conditioning
C) Ventilation
D) Heating
E) Freezing
181. Under normal operational conditions, the rudder is hydraullically locked unless…
A) The manual trick Wheel is engaged for steering
B) The pupm is off stroke
C) A normal rudder order is given by the control system
D) An electric power failure occurs at the steering gear
E) A and B
182. Static electricity is most often produced by ……………………
A) Pressure
B) Heat
C) Magnetism
D) Friction
E) Motion
183. When vacuum is lost on a turbo generator the trip is actuated by ………
A) Sentinel valve
B) Back pressure
C) Slugs of water
D) Overspeed trip
E) A and B
184. Supposing a fire caused by short electric circuit within the equipments is categorized as a …………………. fire and will be extinguished vıa …………..
A) Class A/foam
B) Class C/chemical powder
C) Class C/CO2
D) Class B/foam
E) Class A/chemical powder
185. …………….. is used as a fire extinguisher in case of fires resulted from electrical equipment.
A) Soda acid
B) CO2
C) Sand
D) Foam
E) C and D
186. With a reciprocating pump, failure to deliver liquid may be caused by ……..
A) Pump not being primed
B) Discharge head too high
C) liquid plunger packing worn
D) Any of the above
E) only A and B
187. Which of the following isn’t a component of a water tube boiler ?
A) burner
B) header
C) downcomer
D) steam drum
E) booster pump
188. Any automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system shall be capable of
immediate operation at all times and no action by the crew shall be necessary to set it in operation. Each section of sprinklers shall include means for giving a visual and audible alarm automatically whenever any sprinkler comes into operation. Sprinklers shall be grouped into separate sections, each of which shall contain not more than 200 sprinklers. Each section shall be capable of being isolated by one stop valve only. A gauge indicating the pressure in the system shall be provided at each section stop valve and a central station. The sprinklers shall be resistant to corrosion by marine atmosphere. In accommodation and service spaces the sprinklers shall come into operation within the temperature range from 68°C to 79°C. A list or plan shall be displayed at each unit and suitable instructions for testing and maintenance shall be available. Sprinklers shall be placed in an overhead position to maintain an average application rate of not less than 51/m²/min over the area covered by the sprinklers.
According to the passage, it isn’t true that;
A) The sprinklers can be affected by marine atmosphere
B) They will be in an overhead position to maintain the average application
C) The pressure in the system is displayed by a pressure gauge
D) Sprinkler system is used either fixed or mobile on board
E) The system shall be divided into sections
189. “The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit”
What sentence below has the same meaning ?
A) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it
B) The quantity of oil is separated and controlled by control unit
C) The oil quantity in water is separated by control unit
D) Control unit controls the oil quantity in separated water
E) Separated water in oil is controlled by control unit
190. The turbocharger of an auxiliary diesel engine is most effected by:
A) Air inlet manifold pressure
B) Engine speed
C) Exhaust temperature
D) Engine load
E) None of the above
191. What statement isn’t true regarding service ships?
A) Cable layers lay and repair transoceanic cables
B) Dredgers deepen the canals, clear the muddy bottoms of waterways or ports
C) Tugboats tow ships and assist large vessels in manoeuvring
D) LASH ships are designed to carry refrigerated cargo
E) Icebreakers open lanes through icy waters
192. What word is not related to cargo handling equipment?
A) tiller
B) derrick
C) hoisting
D) jib
E) crane
193. The main body of a ship is called;
A) keel
B) bottom
C) deck
D) hull
E) beam
194. Fuel valve, inlet and exhaust valves are .......................by cylinder head.
A) mounted
B) exposed
C) released
D) operated
E) housed
195. ...........carry propane, LPG or LNG.
A) bulk carriers
B) heavy lift ships
C) reefers
D) gas carriers
E) livestock carriers
196. What statement is true regarding deck machinery?
A) Deck machinery is used only for cargo handling
B) Deck machinery can be driven by hydraulic, electric or steam force
C) Tankers mostly use electric-driven deck machinery
D) Navigation and the conduct of ship mostly depend on deck machinery
E) Deck machinery is controlled from the engine room
197. Ore, sugar, fertilizer, coal and cement are carried by a ..............
A) gas carrier
B) reefer
C) bulker
D) tanker
E) purse seiner
198. The measurement of enclosed volume of a ship is defined by;
A) load displacement
B) displacement
C) deadweight
D) net tonnage
E) tonnage
199. The pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the fire hoses may be easily coupled to them. Their arrangement shall be such as to avoid possibility of freezing. A valve shall be fitted to serve each fire hose so that any fire hose may be removed while the fire pumps are at work. Fire hoses shall be non-perishable material and be sufficient in length to project a jet of water to any of spaces. Each hose shall be provided with a nozzle and the couplings. In passenger ships there shall be one fire hose for each of the hydrants and these hoses shall be used only for fire extinguishing. In cargo ships of 1000 GT and upwards the number of fire hoses shall be one for each 30 m length of the ship and one spare but in no case less than five at all. This number doesn’t include any hoses required by any engine or boiler room. Standard nozzle sizes shall be 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm. All nozzles shall be dual-purpose type (spray/jet type) incorporating a shut off.
According to the passage, nozzles shall be …………………………
A) either spray or jet type
B) both spray and jet type
C) neither spray nor jet type
D) only jet type
E) only spray type
1) B 51) C 101) B 151) C
2) A 52) A 102) D 152) C
3) E 53) C 103) B 153) D
4) C 54) A 104) B 154) B
5) E 55) C 105) D 155) E
6) C 56) E 106) B 156) B
7) E 57) E 107) D 157) B
8) C 58) A 108) A 158) D
9) C 59) C 109) E 159) A
10) E 60) C 110) A 160) C
11) B 61) C 111) D 161) B
12) E 62) D 112) B 162) A
13) C 63) A 113) D 163) A
14) B 64) B 114) B 164) E
15) A 65) D 115) C 165) B
16) A 66) C 116) C 166) E
17) C 67) B 117) D 167) B
18) E 68) D 118) E 168) D
19) E 69) B 119) E 169) B
20) C 70) A 120) B 170) C
21) E 71) B 121) C 171) B
22) C 72) B 122) C 172) E
23) C 73) B 123) D 173) B
24) C 74) A 124) B 174) A
25) C 75) D 125) B 175) B
26) B 76) D 126) A 176) B
27) B 77) C 127) E 177) E
28) A 78) D 128) D 178) B
29) E 79) D 129) A 179) C
30) D 80) E 130) D 180) A
31) E 81) A 131) E 181) C
32) D 82) C 132) E 182) D
33) C 83) B 133) E 183) C
34) E 84) D 134) B 184) B
35) E 85) B 135) A 185) B
36) D 86) C 136) C 186) C
37) B 87) D 137) C 187) E
38) A 88) C 138) A 188) D
39) D 89) B 139) A 189) C
40) E 90) B 140) B 190) D
41) A 91) D 141) D 191) D
42) A 92) B 142) E 192) A
43) C 93) A 143) C 193) D
44) A 94) A 144) E 194) E
45) C 95) A 145) A 195) D
46) B 96) E 146) E 196) B
47) C 97) C 147) E 197) C
48) D 98) A 148) B 198) E
49) C 99) B 149) C 199) B
50) A 100) B 150) C 200)
1 . Trawlers, whaling ships and purse seiners are in the category of …………
A) pleasure crafts
B) fishing vessels
C) passenger ships
D) naval ships
E) excursion boats
2. The sequence of events in a cycle within 4 stroke diesel engine is:
1- The piston is forced down at BDC (Bottom Dead Center) exhaust valve opens
2- The piston is at the top of its stroke, TDC (Top Dead Center), inlet valve opens, fresh
air is drawn
3- Pressure is high in the gases
4- Fuel is injected as the piston reaches TDC, to start the combustion
5- Inlet valve opens, fresh air drawn as the piston moves down
6- At the bottom of the stroke BDC inlet valve closes and the air in cylinder is
compressed as the piston rises
A) 2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 3 - 1
B) 2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 - 3
C) 2 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 - 1
D) 5 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 3 - 1
E) 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 3
3. An overspeeding diesel engine could best be stopped by:
A) Disconnecting the battery cables from the starting motor
B) Draining the cooling water
C) Draining the hydraulic fluid from the governor sump
D) Blocking the flow of cooling air to the radiator
E) Blocking the air intake and securing the fuel supply
4. The cylinder cover is tightened against liner with studs.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
A) removed
B) replaced
C) screwed
D) slackened
E) supported
5. The motion of the piston in the cylinder is;
A) rotary
B) axial
C) bending
D) fluctuating
E) reciprocating
6. ‘The intake valve is open and exhaust valve is closed. The air is drawn into cylinder
while the piston is moving downward’ defines;
A) power stroke
B) compression stroke
C) intake stroke
D) exhaust stroke
E) combustion
7. In two stroke engines, if the engine has exhaust valve(s), it is a ………………..
scavenged engine.
A) cross flow
B) non-flow
C) overflow
D) loop
E) uniflow
8. Having an unstarting compressor must make you think the possibiliy of………….
A) No charge of liquid in the system
B) Closed solenoid valves
C) A and B
D) None above
E) Having sufficient amount of air
9. The pump type using a piston or plunger to remove the fluid;
A) rotary vane pump
B) gear pump
C) reciprocating positive displacement pump
D) screw pump
E) centrifugal pump
10. To remove the impurities and water droplets from oil, …………………….. are used
on board a ship.
A) purifiers
B) clarifiers
C) centrifuges
D) separators
E) all
11. ………………. is the control of temperature and humidity in a space together with
the circulation, filtering and refreshing of the air.
A) Refrigeration
B) Air conditioning
C) Ventilation
D) Cooling
E) Circulating
12. While making your rounds, you notice the main lube oil temperature is higher than
normal. To remedy this situation, you should:
A) Speed up the main lube oil pump
B) Open the lube oil cooler seawater inlet valve wider
C) Throttle in on the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve
D) Close the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
E) Open the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
13. ..... the fire pumps are at work.
What word can be used instead of underlined part ?
A) inoperable
B) operable
C) in operation
D) arranged
E) out of order
14. Oily water separators are used to separate oil from bilge water …….. the bilge
water is pumped ……….
A) after / overboard
B) before / overboard
C) before / inboard
D) after / out
E) when / aboard
15. On most diesel engines, the governor controls the speed by:
A) Contolling the amount of fuel injected into the cylinders
B) Varying the speed of the turbocharger
C) Adjusting the compression ratio
D) Changing the timing of the fuel injection camshaft
E) Changing the timing of the exhaust valves
16. What word is not related to cargo handling equipment ?
A) filler
B) derrick
C) hoisting
D) jib
E) crane
17. Any electric motor can be constructed to be ……………….. proof.
A) Short
B) Ground
C) Explosion
D) Overload
E) A and B
18. In the incident of oil fire …………………………
A) Get water on deck
B) Open steam or CO² smothering system to cargo holds
C) Close off all ventilation, blowers, doors etc.
D) Open CO²smothering system to cargo holds
E) All above
19. Which one is not treated on board ?
A) sewage
B) feed water
C) fresh water
D) lube oil
E) balast water
20. When the separated oil is burnt by an ………….., the application is recorded in Oil
Record Book.
A) oily water separator
B) ejector
C) incinerator
D) chlorinator
E) aeration chamber
21. The removal of contaminating impurities from lubricating oil will …………….
A) Increase engine wear
B) Decrease engine wear
C) Increase possible breakdowns
D) Decrease possible breakdowns
E) B and D
22. If one cylinder was getting more fuel than others the effect will be ……………
A) That cylinder’s being overloaded
B) The exhaust valve’s being overheated
C) Average compression
D) Incomplete combustion
E) Complete combustion
23. A propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by …………………….
A) Shutting off the air supply
B) Overspeeding the engine
C) Securing the fuel supply
D) Securing the ignition system
E) All above
24. Sediment collects in a tubular purifier:
A) On top cover
B) In drain line
C) On sides of bowl
D) On the discs
E) None of above
25. “Water hammer” is caused by:
A) Hitting water pipe with hammer
B) Too much water in pipe line system
C) Water in steam lines
D) Steam in water lines
E) Few amount of water in pipe line system
26. The valve which is always partially open when the evaporator is in operation is the:
A) Vapor valve
B) Continuous blowdown valve
C) Bottom blowdown valve
D) Surface blowdown valve
E) Fresh water valve
27. What kind of bolts would you use on a saltwater line ?
A) Cold rolled
B) Brass
C) Cast iron
D) Plastic
E) All of the above
28. Studs and nuts intended for use in main steam line flanges and fittings are marked
with an “H” or a “T” to show they are :
A) Heat resistant
B) Hard finished
C) Half threaded
D) Corrosion resistant
E) Fire proof
29. An advantage of aluminum pistons compared to cast iron pistons is:
A) Greater high temperature strength
B) Greater weight per cubic meter
C) Increased resistance to wear
D) Low temperature strength
E) Better heat conductivity
30. What harmful consequence can result from sludge in the lube oil system of a trunk
piston diesel engine ?
A) Clogged oil pump suction screens
B) Increased oil temperature
C) Stuck piston rings
D) Any of the above
E) None of the above
31. The air supplied to the cylinders by a turbocharger is often reduced in volume by
a/an :
A) Air compressor
B) Diffuser
C) Filter
D) Venturi
E) Aftercooler
32. Insufficient refrigerant in a refrigeration plant on board a ship may result in:
A) High discharge pressure
B) Frosting of the crankcase
C) High temperature of the overboard water
D) Low suction pressure
E) Low temperature of the sea water
33. The thermostatic expansion valve of R-22 or R-134a refrigeration system controls
A) Back pressure in the evaporator coils
B) Temperature in the refrigerated space
C) Superheat in the refrigerant leaving the evaporator
D) Refrigerant pressure in high side
E) Temperature in the condenser
34. Which valve is normally closed when charging an R-22 or R-134a refrigeration
system through the high side ?
A) The thermal expansion valve
B) The dehydrator inlet valve
C) The suction line valve
D) Both the thermal expansion valve and dehydrator inlet valve
E) The liquid line king valve
35. Cavitation, the forming and bursting of vapor filled cavities or bubbles will result in
A) A loss of thrust
B) Erosion of the blade surface
C) Vibrations in the afterbody of the ship
D) Noise
E) All above
36. When operating at high or low speed in the use of nozzles in a turbine, attention
and precaution must be taken that ……………………
A) The nozzles in use should be wide open
B) Operation with a few nozzles as it’s economical
C) The nozzles not in use must be tightly closed
D) All above
E) Only A an B
37. ……………………….. protects the pump shafts from erosion, corrosion and wear
A) Wearing rings
B) Renewable sleeves
C) A hardened metal coating
D) Internally flooded lantern rings
E) Lantern rings
38. It shall be the responsibility of the…………….to prepare the boilers for inspection.
A) Chief Engineer
B) 2nd Engineer
C) Boatswain
D) 2nd officer
E) Any above organization
39. An electric heater built into the cylinder water jacket would be used to:
A) Raise lube oil viscosity for easier starting in cold weather
B) Increase air inlet temperature
C) Increase compression ratio
D) Increase jacketwater temperature for easier starting in cold weather
E) Heating compressed air
40. A cracked cylinder head on a diesel engine could be indicated by:
A) Excessive lube oil consumption
B) Water draining from the fuel leakoff valves
C) Excessive fuel oil consumption
D) Excessive cooling water consumption
E) Combustion gases venting at the expansion tank
41. “manometer” measures:(GASM tarafından iptal edilmiş)
A) Air pressure
B) Steam pressure
C) Oil pressure
D) Water pressure
E) Oil temperature
42. In a 2 stroke engine each revolution of the crank is completed within the angle of….
A) 360°
B) 180°
C) 720°
D) 90°
E) 45°
43. When does a two stroke cycle diesel engine produce a power stroke in each cylinder:
A) Once in every 2 revolutions of the crankshaft
B) Once for every 4 stroke of the piston
C) Once for every 2 stroke of the piston
D) Directly after the exhaust stroke
E) None of the above
44. A steam turbine has curved blades. What word can be used as the opposite of the underlined word?
A) straight
B) flat
C) sharp
D) smooth
E) vertical
45. Which of the followings is not one of the qualities of the governor ?
A) The main control device on the engine
B) Controls the engine speed when the power is required to change
C) The supplementary control device on the engine
D) Can be adjusted automatically
E) Made up of speed sensing arrangement and hydraulic unit
46. Blue smoke coming from the diesel exhaust would indicate:
A) Excessive fuel consumption / unburned fuel
B) Burning of lube oil due to possible blow by
C) Lean fuel / air mixture, too much air
D) Less amount of fuel consumption
E) None of the above
47. ‘The intake valve is open and exhaust valve is closed. The air is drawn into cylinder while the piston is moving downward’defines;
A) power stroke
B) compression stroke
C) intake stroke
D) exhaust stroke
E) combustion
48. All diesel lubricating system must:
A) Have a forced feed mechanical lubricator
B) Prevent oil fog in the crankcase to avoid crankcase explosion
C) Provide oil for cooling the piston and cylinder wall
D) Provide a film of oil between the piston and cylinder wall
E) None of the above
49. The main components of crankshaft assembly are webs, pins and journals.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
A) purposes
B) sides
C) parts
D) types
E) means
50. Which of the following is highly advised to be used for washing turbo charger blower by the manifacturers ?
A) Hotwater
B) ACC9+Hot water
C) Filter clean+hotwater
D) Carbon remover+hot water
E) Descalex liquid+hot water
51. …………………. leads excessive lost motion in the valve mechanism of a duplex pump.
A) The pump to short stroke continously
B) The pistons to stop in mid stroke
C) The pump to operate sluggishly
D) The cushioning valves to wear
E) A and B
52. Which of the following indicates pump’s function instead of its structure?
A) bilge pump
B) centrifugal pump
C) positive displacement pump
D) gear pump
E) reciprocating pump
53. To produce steam on board a ship, ……………..are mostly used
A) steam turbines
B) purifiers
C) boilers
D) clarifiers
E) evaporators
54. Why do you add cornstarch to an evaporator ?
A) To cut down on priming and scale
B) To make the water taste better
C) To prevent high temperatures
D) To increase the rate of vaporization
E) To reduce the temperature of fresh water
55. When purging a refrigeration system, the compressor is …………………..
A) Running
B) Running with the bypass open
C) Shut down
D) Running with the bypass closed
E) Running stedily
56. What word has a positive meaning ?
A) abrasion
B) corrosion
C) contaminate
D) overpressure
E) overhaul
57. Low head pressure can be caused by ………..
A) Too much condensing water
B) Too cold condensing water
C) Leaky discharge valves
D) Insufficient change of refrigerant
E) Any of the above
58. If the quantity of oil and particles in separated oily water is ……15ppm, it can be drained overboard.
A) below
B) over
C) at
D) above
E) up
59. When the separated oil is burnt by an…………….., the application is recorded in Oil Record Book.
A) oily water separator
B) ejector
C) incinerator
D) chlorinator
E) aeration chamber
60. ……… the fire pumps are at work.
What word can be used instead of underlined part ?
A) inoperable
B) operable
C) in operation
D) arranged
E) out of order
61. ………… is the first signal of lube – oil trouble.
A) Lube oil gravity tank low level alarm goes off
B) Low lube oil sump level
C) Low outlet temperature from lube oil coolers
D) No flow throught bull’s eye from gravity tank observed
E) A and B
62. The TEV (thermostatic expansion valve) is located between:
A) The receiver and the king valve
B) The king valve and solenoid
C) Both A and B
D) The solenoid valve and evaporator
E) The charging valve and solenoid
63. The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is from the:
A) Expansion valve to compressor
B) Compressor to expansion valve
C) Expansion valve to the evaporator
D) Condenser to the expansion valve
E) None of the above
64. The bulb for the TEV (thermostatic expansion valve) is located:
A) In the middle of the evaporator coils
B) Near the evaporator coil outlet
C) Near the evaporator coil inlet
D) On the bottom row of the evaporator
E) None of the above
65. What is the advantage of using a hydraulic starting system for an emergency diesel?
A) The system is inexpensive
B) High pressure lines are not required
C) It is compact
D) Faster cranking speeds are obtained
E) None of the above
66. Worn bearings, rings, and valves all contribute to:
A) Poor reversal
B) Quiet operation
C) Hard starting
D) High pressure
E) None of the above
67. What would cause white smoke after you just started the diesel?
A) Too week battery power
B) Water in the fuel
C) Water in the gas
D) Water in the oil
E) Salt water in cooling water
68. The turbocharger of an auxilliary diesel engine is most effected by:
A) Air inlet manifold pressure
B) Engine speed
C) Exhaust temperature
D) Engine load
E) None of the above
69. The coils in the evaporator are attached to the heater by:
A) Pipe nipples
B) Union type fittings
C) Welding
D) Bolted flanges
E) Both C and D
70. Cylinder liners are generally used on diesel engines because:
A) Liners may be easily replaced after the cylinder walls show wear
B) Liners provide a more efficient cooling system
C) Rubbing speeds are reduced through the use of liners
D) Liners provide a better lubricating surface
E) None of the above
71. An over speeding diesel engine could best be stopped by:
A) Disconnecting the battery cables from the starting motor
B) Blocking the air intake and securing the fuel supply
C) draining the hydraulic fluid from the governor sump
D) Blocking the flow of cooling air to the radiator
E) Both C and D
72. The valve which is always partially open when the evaporator is in operation is the:
A) Vapor valve
B) Continuous blowdown valve
C) Bottom blowdown valve
D) Surface blowdown valve
E) Bottom blowup valve
73. The dehydrator on a refrigeration plant is used to:
A) Add moisture to the system
B) Remove moisture from the system
C) Remove air from the system
D) Remove oil from the system
E) Both C and D
74. As freon leaves the expansion valve:
A) Pressure decreases – volume increases
B) Volume decreases- pressure increases
C) Volume increases – pressure increases
D) Pressure increases – volume decreases
E) None of the above
75. Regardless of the geographical location of on oil spill, you should notify the………
A) Local police department
B) Local fire department
C) Corps of Engineers
D) Coast Guard
E) The pilot
76. The oil level in the compressor should be checked:
A) While the compressor is in operation
B) Just before starting the compressor
C) After a long period of operation
D) For both B and C
E) None of the above
77. In a diesel engine closed cooling system, the flow of fresh water through the fresh water and lube oil coolers is controlled by the:
A) Speed of the engine
B) Speed of the pump impeller
C) Automatic temperature regulator
D) Suction pressure regulator
E) Governor
78. What type of gauge reads pressure and vacuum ?
A) Duplex
B) Simplex
C) Both B and C
D) Compound
E) Bourdon tube
79. Minor freon leaks can be detected by the use of a device called:
A) A freon visible leak detector
B) A freon audible leak detector
C) The blue oven flame detector
D) Halide torch
E) None of the above
80. Most gauges in the fire room are:
A) Manometers
B) Thermocouples
C) Dual purpose
D) Thermometers
E) Bourdon tube – type
81. The usual cause of crankcase explosions in diesel engines is not …………………
A) Heating lubricating oil
B) Overheating lubricating oil
C) Poor condition of the cylinder
D) Crank shaft bearing failures maintanance
E) Any above
82. ……………. is not one of the advantages of the open cooling system.
A) Being the simplest system
B) No requirement of heat exchange
C) Obligation of keeping engine cool
D) The requirement of only one water circulating pump
E) The requirement of 2 water circulating pumps
83. Another name for the liquid valve is:
A) Master valve
B) King valve
C) Freon valve
D) Shut off valve
E) None of above
84. What is the high pressure side of the refrigeration system?
A) Compressor to condenser
B) Evaporator to compressor
C) Expansion valve to evaporator
D) Compressor to expansion valve
E) Evaporator
85. The solenoid valve can be typed as a:
A) Thermal valve
B) Magnetic stop valve
C) Bellows valve
D) Bimetallic valve
E) Both C and D
86. Pre-combustion chambers in a diesel engine:
A) Require that each cylinder use two spray nozzles
B) Require the use of flat crowned pistons to obtain turbulence
C) Permit the use of a wide range of fuel in that engine
D) Contain all of the air charge at the end of the compression stroke
E) Require that each cylinder use more than four spray nozzles
87. ………….. is the principal hazard to staff when a diesel nozzle tester is in use is
A) Electrical shock
B) Toxic fumes
C) Explosion
D) Blood poisoning
E) Loosing consciousness
88. A “pneumercator” measures:
A) Oil pressure
B) Air level
C) Liquid level
D) Air pressure
E) Air temperature
89. The solenoid valve can be typed as a:
A) Thermal valve
B) Magnetic stop valve
C) Bellows valve
D) Bimetallic valve
E) Both C and D
90. What would cause white smoke after you have just started the diesel ?
A) Too week battery power
B) Water in the fuel
C) Water in the gas
D) Water in the oil
E) Salt water in cooling water
91. …………………. is the principal hazard to staff when a diesel nozzle tester is in use is
A) Electrical shock
B) Toxic fumes
C) Explosion
D) Blood poisoning
E) Loosing consciousness
92. If one fuel oil strainer of a duplex unit becomes clogged while your vessel is steaming at sea, you should first:
A) Clean the dirty strainer as quickly as possible
B) Change the strainer over to the clean side
C) Stop the fuel oil service pump
D) Open the strainer bypass valve
E) Stop the engine
93. Scavenging means …………………….. on an internal combustion engines.
A) The removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air
B) The filling of the engine cylinder with a supply or change of fresh air
C) The formation of exhaust gases within the cylinder
D) The removal of exhaust gases
E) Any above
94. What is the flexible coupling used for ?
A) Small amount of misalignment
B) Take up for vibration in the shaft
C) to allow for expansion
D) Connects between the bull gear and the tail shaft
E) To allow for streching
95. Fuel is ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine by:
A) The heat of compression within the cylinder
B) A spark plug in the pre-combustion chamber
C) An electrical discharge from the distributor
D) Heat from the fuel injection nozzle
E) With a simple spark plug
96. What types of lubricating oil systems are used on diesel engines?
A) Forced feed and gravity
B) Forced feed and splash
C) Both A and B
D) Gravity and wick
E) Wet sump and dry sump
97. Before starting an auxiliary diesel engine, you should:
A) Change fuel oil strainers
B) Clean the air filter
C) Check the crankcase oil level
D) Vent the cooling system
E) Clean flywhell
98. A propeller turning clockwise when viewed from aft is considered right handed and most single screw ships have …………….. propellers. A twin screw ship usually has a ……………. ……………….. propeller and a …………. …………….. propeller.
A) Right handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
B) Right handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
C) Left handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
D) Left handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
E) Right handed/left handed starboard/right handed port
99. If a bilge pump failed to build up discharge pressure, you should check for:
A) Excessive water in the bilges
B) A clogged suction strainer
C) Oil in the bilges
D) A closed skin valve
E) None of the above
100. Fire tube boilers are designed to operate within the conditions of:
A) High pressure, temperature
B) Low pressure, temperature
C) High capacity and quick steam raising process
D) Low capacity but quick steam raising process
E) High capacity but they are heavy
101. By definition a separator: 1. removes solids from the lube oil; 11. removes water from the lube oil.
A) 1
B) 11
C) 1 and 11
D) Neither 1 nor 11
E) Any of above
102. How are line shaft bearings usually lubricated ?
A) A gravity-feed
B) Pressure-feed
C) Oil lubricating disks
D) Oil lubricating rings
E) Oil injectors
103. Which of the following types of valves is used in the bilge manifold?
A) Swing check
B) Non-return
C) Angle
D) Globe
E) Butterfly
104. The function of the exhaust system for a turbocharged diesel engine is to …………
A) Power the aftercoolers
B) Power the turbocharger
C) Reduce the cylinder scavenge effect
D) Cool the turbocharger
E) Any above
105. Before ballasting by gravity ……………………..
A) Pump in balast for about 10 minutes to wash out bottom lines
B) Start pump before opening sea valves
C) Make sure all proper valves are open
D) All of above
E) A and B
106. A fire sprinkling system must be fitted ……………………….
A) On all vessels over 5.000 GT
B) In conjunction with the CO2 system
C) With a pressure tank of fresh water to the supply system pending the starting of the
D) None of the above
E) A and C
107. The process of supplying the intake of a diesel engine with air at a pressure greater than atmospheric is called:
A) Engine displacement
B) Scavenging
C) Air injection
D) Supercharging
E) Intercooling
108. In the simple mechanical governor, the:
A) Flyweight centrifugal force is balanced by spring pressure
B) Centrifugal force rotates the ball head
C) Flyweight centrifugal force is balanced by hydraulic pres sure
D) Speeder spring actuates the fuel control rod
E) Hydraulic force rotates the ball head
109. In the incident of oil fire ………………………………
A) Get water on deck
B) Open steam or CO2 smothering system to cargo holds
C) Close off all ventilation, blowers, doors etc.
D) Open CO2 smothering system to cargo holds
E) All above
110. In accordance with the international requirements, the bilge purifier will separete oily water within the density of ……..
A) < 15 particular per million
B) < 15 particular post million
C) < 15 particular per meter
D) <ַ 15 particular per meter
E) < 15 particular per billion
111. The requirement for portable fire equipment is ………………………
A) Annual check
B) Keeping in easily accessible places
C) Hose connections and keeping hoses in good condition
D) All above
E) Before the end of consuming period
112. Cut out system on the aux boiler operates ……………………
A) Low level alarm
B) Low low level alarm
C) High level alarm
D) High pressure alarm
E) Low pressure alarm
113. …………………… is the cause of burned exhaust valves
A) Overloaded cylinder
B) Poor combustion
C) Distortion and faulty reseating maintenance
D) Any above
E) A and B
114. When a cargo hose joint or coupling starts to leak badly the attempt you should do is to…..
A) Reduce pumping pressure and wrap leak securely
B) Shut down transfer and make repairs
C) Soak spill with sawdust and reduce pumping pressure
D) Wash deck immediately and close tank tops
E) Carry on transfer
115. Water in the lube oil system may be detected by: 1. sounding lube oil tanks with water sensitive paste; 11. observing the purifier discharge.
A) 1
B) 11
C) 1 and 11
D) Neither 1 nor 11
E) None of above
116. Electrohydraulic steering units are protected from pounding forces (rudder shock) by:
A) Buffer springs
B) Follow up mechanism
C) Relief valves
D) Relieving gear
E) Steering pumps
117. The rotating part of a micrometer is the:
A) Anvil
B) Barrel
C) Frame
D) Thimble
E) Cover
118. Trunk type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled when heat is:
A) Radiated through the engine block
B) Mixed with lubrication oil
C) Conducted through the piston crown
D) Transferred to escaping exhaust gases
E) Transferred to water cooled cylinder walls
119. When the oil in the seperator is decreasing, which place can not be leaking?
A) Lower bearing casing
B) Drum shaft
C) Wormgear shaft bearing hosing
D) Middle ball bearing casing
E) The o-ring at shock water entrance to separator into shockwater
120. ……………………. should be regarded as a special attention after installing a new hydraulic pump.
A) The relief filters should be readjusted
B) The filters and strainers should be checked frequently
C) System pressures should be readjusted
D) The fluid should be drained and renewed
E) All above
121. All details of fuel bunkering, balast handling, tank cleaning or slop disposal must be entered in the …………………………
A) Rough log
B) Engine room log
C) Oil record book
D) Smooth log
E) A and B
122. Performance of a turbocharged engine can be improved by:
A) Decreasing valve over lap
B) Preheating
C) Aftercooling intake air
D) Preheating light fuels
E) Heating intake air
123. When maneuvering, you discover heavy smoke coming from the turbocharger casing. You should:
A) Check the air fitler for dirt
B) Check for an exhaust leak
C) Check the cooling water temperature
D) Notify the bridge and ask to shut the engine down
E) Check fuel oil consumption
124. A device which will function to bring an engine to a full stop in order to protect it from damage due to excessively high speed is known as a/an:
A) Torque limiter
B) Overspeed trip
C) Overspeed governor
D) Load limit governor
E) Any of above
125. Refrigerant leakage from the compressor crankcase is prevented by ………..
A) Using skirt type pistons
B) Using shaftseals
C) Using lantern rings
D) Maintaining a vacuum in the crankcase
E) Any above
126. The reciprocating motion of a connecting rod is transformed into a rotary motion by the ………….
A) Crankshaft
B) Crankwebs
C) Crank cheeks
D) Crankpine
E) Piston
127. A pyrometer is normally used to measure:
A) Steam pressure
B) Water temperature
C) Draft loss
D) Humidity
E) Gas temperature
128. The successive order of 4 stroke diesel engines:
A) Compression-suction-firing-exhaust
B) Suction-firing-compression-exhaust
C) Suction-compression-exhaust-firing
D) Suction-compression-firing-exhaust
E) Compression-air inlet-firing exhaust
129. When the valves are operated ……………………… on a diesel engine, they are actuated by means of cams, pushrods, rocker arms and rollers.
A) Mechanically
B) Hydraulically
C) Pneumatically
D) Electrically
E) Any above
130. The pistonheads in the engine are manufactured concave and convex shaped in order that …………………
A) The vessel will be faster
B) It will control the temperature of the engine
C) It will increase oil pressure in the engine
D) It will increase the durability of the piston
E) It will provide a powerful engine
131. Lubrication oil viscosity in an operation diesel engine can be reduced by:
A) Overloading the engine
B) Increasing the amount of lube oil
C) Decreasing the amount of cooling water
D) Combustion by products contamination
E) Fuel oil dilution
132. All of the following are used for low temperature starting, except:
A) Ether
B) Jacket water heaters
C) Both A and B
D) Air intake heaters
E) Cylinder compression ratio reduced
133. The purpose of the low pressure cut out switch is to:
A) Maintain liquid refrigerant at the suction of the compressor
B) Maintain a preset suction pressure to the compressor
C) Cut out the compressor at a set pressure
D) Maintain compressor in at a preset temperature
E) Cut conpressor in and out at a preset pressure
134. In terms of pressure and temperature, what happens to the primary refrigerant in the compressor ?
A) Its pressure and temperature are both lowered
B) Its pressure and temperature are both raised
C) Its pressure and lowered and its temperature is raised
D) Its pressure is raised and its temperature is lowered
E) None of the above
135. Watertube boilers are designed to operate within the conditions of ………….
A) High pressure, temperature, capacity
B) Low pressure but high capacity
C) Heavy but quick steam raising process
D) A and C
E) Fort he auxilliary purposes
136. The purpose of the evaporator is to: ( BU SORU YANLIŞ-BKZ SORU 179 )
A) Absorb latent heat of vaporization
B) Absorb latent heat of fusion
C) Transfer latent heat of vaporization
D) Transfer latent heat of fusion
E) Transfer latent heat of freezing
137. The drains from both effects in a low pressure evaporator have their pressures equalized in the:
A) Equalizer tank
B) Drain tank
C) Flash chamber
D) Air ejector condense
E) Fuel oil tank
138. Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator ……………….., turbo alternator ………… and all the full away procedure should be done ………………
A) Will have to be started / will be shut down / in reverse order
B) Doesnot have to be started / will have to be shut down / in reverse order
C) Will have to be started / will have to be started / in right order
D) Will have to be shut down / will have to be started / in reverse order
E) Doesn’t have to be shut down / will have to be shut down / in right order
139. When oil is heated, it becomes …………..
A) Less viscous
B) Emulsified
C) More viscous
D) Vitrified
E) Not necessarly vitrified
140. The instrument always used in conjunction with a salinity indicator is the:
A) Pyrometer
B) Thermometer
C) Hygrometer
D) Hydrometer
E) Oxygen meter
141. ………………. is hardly the cause of a smoky diesel engine exhaust.
A) Overload
B) Malfunctioned injector
C) Choked exhaust pipe
D) Inappropriate amount of fuel
E) Appropriate amount of fuel
142. When starting ballasting ………. valve should be opened last
A) Seacock
B) Punp discharge valve
C) Deck filling valve
D) Tank suction valve
E) None above
143. Fire detecting and extinguishing equipment is required on all ………………
B) Passenger vessels on international voyage
C) Vessels over 150 feet in length
D) Vessels over 450 feet in length
E) Cruise boats
144. The lubricant is expected to have the qualities of ……………………….
A) Preventing metal-to metal contact
B) Causing metal to metal contact
C) Decrease friction
D) Decrease friction wear
E) All except B
145. ………………………….. should be followed as a procedure, if it is necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port
A) Pumping only if discharge is led to a shore tank or barge
B) Pumping only during the hours of darkness
C) Punping only on the outgoing tide
D) Punping only as much as is necessary
E) Pumping only the day hours
146. …………………… should be considered as a hazard on the propeller and a thorough examination and repair will be carried out when the vessel is in dry dock.
A) Bent blades
B) Signs of cracks on the blade edge
C) Deep pits and holes
D) Edge cracks
E) All above
147. Considering the fuel, ignition quality is determined by …………………..
A) Cetane number
B) Diesel index
C) Calculated cetane index
D) Flash point
E) All except D
148. How often should the emergency diesel be run under load?
A) Once a year
B) Once a month
C) Once a week
D) At survey time only
E) At drydock
149. The main characteristics of a diesel engine is:
A) internal combustion engine; the fuel is burned external of the cylinders
B) producing high power of energy
C) either 2 or 4 stroke, fuel is burned inside the cylinders
D) economical in compare with the steam engines, but hard maintenance
E) fixed sequence of events within its unique type
150. On a diesel engine, a freshwater heat exchanger is used rather than a saltwater one to:
A) Maintain fuel oil temperature
B) Maintain lube oil temperature
C) Cut down on rust and corrosion
D) Keep the engine block from freezing in cold weather
E) Maintain air temperature
151. The upper section of a piston is called the:
A) Land
B) Skirt
C) Crown
D) Plate
E) Disk
152. The suction control switch on the compressor is a ……………………..
A) Thermal element
B) Thermostat
C) Pressure element
D) None above
E) All of above
153. The heat which is used to change a liquid to a gas or vapor is called latent heat of..
A) Absorption
B) Fusion
C) Liquid
D) Evaporization
E) Fission
154. As Freon leaves the expansion valve ……………………..
A) Pressure increases – volume increases
B) Pressure decreases – volume increases
C) Pressure decreases – volume decreases
D) Pressure increases – volume decreases
E) Pressure increases – no change in the volume
155. An overheated bearing in the main propulsion unit is indicated by:
A) Bubbles in the sight glass
B) Sludge in the strainers
C) A high oil level in the sump
D) Low temperature of the lube oil leaving the bearing
E) High temperature of the lube oil leaving the bearing
156. Emulsification of oil will ocur when mixed with:
A) Air
B) Water
C) Black oil
D) Ice cream
E) Oxygen
157. The liner which has no direct contact with the cooling water is what kind of a liner
A) Wet
B) Dry
C) Integral
D) None of the above
E) Cooled with lubrication oil
158. ………………. is the first to do when securing an AC generator.
A) Tripping the generator circuit breaker
B) Switching the voltage regulator to manual
C) Decreasing the field excitation to minumum
D) Reducing the load on the unit
E) Increasing the load on the unit
159. In case of burning of radio equipments on the bridge the extinguishers should be the same as the ones to be used in …………… fires, keeping in mind that the fire will turno ut mobe a ……………………. fire when starting firefighting takes long.
A) Class E/Class A
B) Class E/Class B
C) Class B/Class A
D) Class C/Class A
E) Class C/Class E
160. The system used for breaking scale from the evaporator coil while the evaporator is in operation is called:
A) Recirculating
B) Blowing down
C) Cracking off
D) Dumping
E) None of above
161. This gauge measures both inlet and outlet pressures of a strainer:
A) A compound gauge
B) A duplex gauge
C) a biogauge
D) A pressure / vacuum gauge
E) None of the above
162. In a 4 stroke engine 2 revolution of the crank is completed within the angle of…
A) 720°
B) 360°
C) 180°
D) 90°
E) 45°
163. What will happen to a small diesel engine that is equipped with an “auto type” thermostat if the bellows develop a hole in it?
A) The engine will overheat
B) The engine will remain cold
C) The engine will remain not start
D) The cooling water will “by pass” the engine
E) None of the above
164. ……………… are the common parts within the 2 and 4 stroke diesel engines.
A) Piston, valves, cylinder, fuel injector
B) Crankshaft, crosshead, cylinder
C) Turbocharger, piston, gudgeonpin, cylinder
D) Crankshaft, connecting rod, pistons
E) Cylinder, connecting rod, pistons
165. If the flow of water from a centrifugal pump is stopped by closing the discharge valve with the pump running:
A) The relief valve will open
B) The water pressure will stabilize at shut off head
C) The water pressure will tend to rise continuously
D) The driver will be over loaded
E) The water temperature will tend to decrease continuously
166. Which factor below is not the cause of vibration and noise in turbines?
A) Unbalance
B) Dıstortion of casing
C) Loose couplings
D) Tight couplings
E) Any above
167. The second effect on a two pass evaporator receives its steam from:
A) De-superheated steam
B) Vapors from first effect
C) Auxiliary back pressure
D) Auxiliary forward pressure
E) None of the above
168. All refrigerator compressor valves are opened and closed via ………….
A) Springs
B) Camshaft
C) Pressure differential
D) A or C
E) None above
169. Flashlights used aboard tankers must be …………….
A) Waterproof
B) Of the three cell type
C) Approved by the Board of fire underwriters
D) All above
E) A and C
170. When distilling salt water the cooling-water discharge from the distiller is fed back to the evaporator as feedwater:
A) To cut down on the amount of cooling water needed
B) To prevent an excess amount of cooling water from being discharged to the bilges
C) To supply hot water to the evaporator for more economical operation
D) To supply sufficient amount of sea water
E) None of the above
171. A spring bearing on the line shaft is lubricated by:
A) The lube oil gravity tank
B) Water leak off from the stern tube
C) An oil ring and scraper
D) The main lube oil pump
E) Any above
172. Which of the following actions should you take to correct a low condensing pressure in a refrigeration system?
A) Purge the condenser
B) Remove refrigerant
C) Adjust the thermostatic expansion valve
D) Increase the compressor speed
E) Add refrigerant
173. Pre-ignition can be caused by ……………….. in an operating diesel engine
A) Excessively late fuel injection
B) Oil in the air charge
C) Water in the fuel
D) Injection continuing after the fuel charge is ignited
E) None above
174. A ball bearing will overheated if:
A) Completely full of grease
B) Half full of grease
C) In us efor a long time
D) Operated at high speed
E) operated at medium speed
175. One horsepower equals …..
A) 1000 watts
B) 746 watts
C) 100 watts
D) 940 watts
E) 786 watts
176. Emergency generators are placed …………………..
A) Near the machinery space
B) above the bulkhead or freeboard deck whichever the higher
C) Midships near the engine room casing
D) Above the deep load line
E) None above
177. Which one is not identical with the characteristics of the construction of a-2-stroke diesel engines?
A) Instead of valve holes, ports are installed
B) A cycle is completed in 2 strokes of the piston
C) Produce high power in compare with 4 stroke engines
D) The maintenance is simple
E) A cycle is completed in 2 revolution of the crankcase
178. Which of the following is not one of the parts of D/G overhaul?
A) Valve rotator
B) Valve spindle
C) Intake valve
D) Valve seat
E) Starting valve
179. The purpose of an evaporator is to ….
A) Transmit the latent heat of fusion
B) Transmit the latent heat of evaporation
C) Absorb the latent heat of evaporation
D) Absorb the latent heat of fusion
E) Any above
180. ………………… is a process, in which the temperature of a space on whatever takes place in, is reduced below that of their surroundings.
A) Refrigeration
B) Air conditioning
C) Ventilation
D) Heating
E) Freezing
181. Under normal operational conditions, the rudder is hydraullically locked unless…
A) The manual trick Wheel is engaged for steering
B) The pupm is off stroke
C) A normal rudder order is given by the control system
D) An electric power failure occurs at the steering gear
E) A and B
182. Static electricity is most often produced by ……………………
A) Pressure
B) Heat
C) Magnetism
D) Friction
E) Motion
183. When vacuum is lost on a turbo generator the trip is actuated by ………
A) Sentinel valve
B) Back pressure
C) Slugs of water
D) Overspeed trip
E) A and B
184. Supposing a fire caused by short electric circuit within the equipments is categorized as a …………………. fire and will be extinguished vıa …………..
A) Class A/foam
B) Class C/chemical powder
C) Class C/CO2
D) Class B/foam
E) Class A/chemical powder
185. …………….. is used as a fire extinguisher in case of fires resulted from electrical equipment.
A) Soda acid
B) CO2
C) Sand
D) Foam
E) C and D
186. With a reciprocating pump, failure to deliver liquid may be caused by ……..
A) Pump not being primed
B) Discharge head too high
C) liquid plunger packing worn
D) Any of the above
E) only A and B
187. Which of the following isn’t a component of a water tube boiler ?
A) burner
B) header
C) downcomer
D) steam drum
E) booster pump
188. Any automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system shall be capable of
immediate operation at all times and no action by the crew shall be necessary to set it in operation. Each section of sprinklers shall include means for giving a visual and audible alarm automatically whenever any sprinkler comes into operation. Sprinklers shall be grouped into separate sections, each of which shall contain not more than 200 sprinklers. Each section shall be capable of being isolated by one stop valve only. A gauge indicating the pressure in the system shall be provided at each section stop valve and a central station. The sprinklers shall be resistant to corrosion by marine atmosphere. In accommodation and service spaces the sprinklers shall come into operation within the temperature range from 68°C to 79°C. A list or plan shall be displayed at each unit and suitable instructions for testing and maintenance shall be available. Sprinklers shall be placed in an overhead position to maintain an average application rate of not less than 51/m²/min over the area covered by the sprinklers.
According to the passage, it isn’t true that;
A) The sprinklers can be affected by marine atmosphere
B) They will be in an overhead position to maintain the average application
C) The pressure in the system is displayed by a pressure gauge
D) Sprinkler system is used either fixed or mobile on board
E) The system shall be divided into sections
189. “The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit”
What sentence below has the same meaning ?
A) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it
B) The quantity of oil is separated and controlled by control unit
C) The oil quantity in water is separated by control unit
D) Control unit controls the oil quantity in separated water
E) Separated water in oil is controlled by control unit
190. The turbocharger of an auxiliary diesel engine is most effected by:
A) Air inlet manifold pressure
B) Engine speed
C) Exhaust temperature
D) Engine load
E) None of the above
191. What statement isn’t true regarding service ships?
A) Cable layers lay and repair transoceanic cables
B) Dredgers deepen the canals, clear the muddy bottoms of waterways or ports
C) Tugboats tow ships and assist large vessels in manoeuvring
D) LASH ships are designed to carry refrigerated cargo
E) Icebreakers open lanes through icy waters
192. What word is not related to cargo handling equipment?
A) tiller
B) derrick
C) hoisting
D) jib
E) crane
193. The main body of a ship is called;
A) keel
B) bottom
C) deck
D) hull
E) beam
194. Fuel valve, inlet and exhaust valves are .......................by cylinder head.
A) mounted
B) exposed
C) released
D) operated
E) housed
195. ...........carry propane, LPG or LNG.
A) bulk carriers
B) heavy lift ships
C) reefers
D) gas carriers
E) livestock carriers
196. What statement is true regarding deck machinery?
A) Deck machinery is used only for cargo handling
B) Deck machinery can be driven by hydraulic, electric or steam force
C) Tankers mostly use electric-driven deck machinery
D) Navigation and the conduct of ship mostly depend on deck machinery
E) Deck machinery is controlled from the engine room
197. Ore, sugar, fertilizer, coal and cement are carried by a ..............
A) gas carrier
B) reefer
C) bulker
D) tanker
E) purse seiner
198. The measurement of enclosed volume of a ship is defined by;
A) load displacement
B) displacement
C) deadweight
D) net tonnage
E) tonnage
199. The pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the fire hoses may be easily coupled to them. Their arrangement shall be such as to avoid possibility of freezing. A valve shall be fitted to serve each fire hose so that any fire hose may be removed while the fire pumps are at work. Fire hoses shall be non-perishable material and be sufficient in length to project a jet of water to any of spaces. Each hose shall be provided with a nozzle and the couplings. In passenger ships there shall be one fire hose for each of the hydrants and these hoses shall be used only for fire extinguishing. In cargo ships of 1000 GT and upwards the number of fire hoses shall be one for each 30 m length of the ship and one spare but in no case less than five at all. This number doesn’t include any hoses required by any engine or boiler room. Standard nozzle sizes shall be 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm. All nozzles shall be dual-purpose type (spray/jet type) incorporating a shut off.
According to the passage, nozzles shall be …………………………
A) either spray or jet type
B) both spray and jet type
C) neither spray nor jet type
D) only jet type
E) only spray type
1) B 51) C 101) B 151) C
2) A 52) A 102) D 152) C
3) E 53) C 103) B 153) D
4) C 54) A 104) B 154) B
5) E 55) C 105) D 155) E
6) C 56) E 106) B 156) B
7) E 57) E 107) D 157) B
8) C 58) A 108) A 158) D
9) C 59) C 109) E 159) A
10) E 60) C 110) A 160) C
11) B 61) C 111) D 161) B
12) E 62) D 112) B 162) A
13) C 63) A 113) D 163) A
14) B 64) B 114) B 164) E
15) A 65) D 115) C 165) B
16) A 66) C 116) C 166) E
17) C 67) B 117) D 167) B
18) E 68) D 118) E 168) D
19) E 69) B 119) E 169) B
20) C 70) A 120) B 170) C
21) E 71) B 121) C 171) B
22) C 72) B 122) C 172) E
23) C 73) B 123) D 173) B
24) C 74) A 124) B 174) A
25) C 75) D 125) B 175) B
26) B 76) D 126) A 176) B
27) B 77) C 127) E 177) E
28) A 78) D 128) D 178) B
29) E 79) D 129) A 179) C
30) D 80) E 130) D 180) A
31) E 81) A 131) E 181) C
32) D 82) C 132) E 182) D
33) C 83) B 133) E 183) C
34) E 84) D 134) B 184) B
35) E 85) B 135) A 185) B
36) D 86) C 136) C 186) C
37) B 87) D 137) C 187) E
38) A 88) C 138) A 188) D
39) D 89) B 139) A 189) C
40) E 90) B 140) B 190) D
41) A 91) D 141) D 191) D
42) A 92) B 142) E 192) A
43) C 93) A 143) C 193) D
44) A 94) A 144) E 194) E
45) C 95) A 145) A 195) D
46) B 96) E 146) E 196) B
47) C 97) C 147) E 197) C
48) D 98) A 148) B 198) E
49) C 99) B 149) C 199) B
50) A 100) B 150) C 200)
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